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热度:390   发布时间:2007-08-19 16:52:30.0

1.书名:C Primer Plus, Fifth Edition(C 语言入门第五版)
作者:Stephen Prata

一本不错的 C 语言入门读本,内容很新,值得细细品味!

2.英文名: The C programming Language, 2nd edition
中文名: C 程序设计语言(第二版)
作者: Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
出版社: Prentice-Hall

经典的 ANSI C 入门教材!虽然老,虽然有些东西已经不符合现在的标准,但是绝对是学习 C 必看的教材!

3.《C专家编程》展示了最优秀的C程序员所使用的编码技巧,并专门开辟了一章对C++的基础知识进行了介绍。 书中C的历史、语言特性、声明、数组、指针、链接、运行时、内存以及如何进一步学习C++等问题进行了细致的讲解和深入的分析。全书撷取几十个实例进行讲解,对C程序员具有非常高的实用价值。本书可以帮助有一定经验的C程序员成为C编程方面的专家,对于具备相当的C语言基础的程序员,本书可以帮助他们站在C的高度了解和学习C++。(引自互动出版网)

4.Learning a language--any language--involves a process wherein you learn to rely less and less on instruction and more increasingly on the aspects of the language you've mastered. Whether you're learning French, Java, or C, at some point you'll set aside the tutorial and attempt to converse on your own. It's not necessary to know every subtle facet of French in order to speak it well, especially if there's a good dictionary available. Likewise, C programmers don't need to memorize every detail of C in order to write good programs. What they need instead is a reliable, comprehensive reference that they can keep nearby. C in a Nutshell is that reference.

This long-awaited book is a complete reference to the C programming language and C runtime library. Its purpose is to serve as a convenient, reliable companion in your day-to-day work as a C programmer. C in a Nutshell covers virtually everything you need to program in C, describing all the elements of the language and illustrating their use with numerous examples.

The book is divided into three distinct parts. The first part is a fast-paced description, reminiscent of the classic Kernighan & Ritchie text on which many C programmers cut their teeth. It focuses specifically on the C language and preprocessor directives, including extensions introduced to the ANSI standard in 1999. These topics and others are covered:

Numeric constants

Implicit and explicit type conversions

Expressions and operators


Fixed-length and variable-length arrays


Dynamic memory management

Input and output

The second part of the book is a comprehensive reference to the C runtime library; it includes an overview of the contents of the standard headers and a description of each standard library function. Part III provides the necessary knowledge of the C programmer's basic tools: the compiler, the make utility, and the debugger. The tools described here are those in the GNU software collection.

C in a Nutshell is the perfect companion to K&R, and destined to be the most reached-for reference on your desk.

5.ISO C99 标准
没什么好说的。最权威的 C99 参考手册!学习 C99 必备参考书


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