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【C#】14. printOneExcel在Excel里绘制 & 利率插值计算(线性)

热度:123   发布时间:2016-05-05 04:36:34.0
【C#】14. printOneExcel在Excel里作图 & 利率插值计算(线性)

<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">今天主要写写怎么用Visual Studio在Excel里面做图(chart),网上有很多人都讨论过这个问题,但我觉得这里还是写一下C# for financial markets里面怎么写的,因为我觉得这个做出来的比较好。</span>




// Excel作图  【更新】2015/3/10         public void CreateChart<T>(Vector<T> x, Vector<T> y, string title, string horizontal, string vertical, string legend)        {            try            {                // Add sheet.                Excel.Workbook pWorkbook;                Excel.Worksheet pSheet;                if (pExcel.ActiveWorkbook == null)                {                    pWorkbook = (Excel.Workbook)InvokeMethodInternational(pExcel.Workbooks, "Add", Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);                    pSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)pWorkbook.ActiveSheet;                }                else                {                    pWorkbook = pExcel.ActiveWorkbook;                    pSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)InvokeMethodInternational(pWorkbook.Worksheets, "Add", Type.Missing, Type.Missing, 1, Type.Missing);                }                // Add row labels + values.                int sheetColumn = 1;                int sheetRow = 1;                //打印X列                ToSheetVertical(pSheet, sheetRow, sheetColumn, horizontal, x);                //打印Y列                ToSheetVertical(pSheet, sheetRow, sheetColumn + 1, vertical, y);                // 在工作簿中增加图表Chart(XY点图)                Excel.Chart chart = pWorkbook.Charts.Add(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing) as Excel.Chart;                Excel.Range range = (Excel.Range)pSheet.get_Range("A2","B" + (x.Length+1).ToString() );                chart.ChartWizard(range, Excel.XlChartType.xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers, 1, Excel.XlRowCol.xlColumns, 1, 0, true, title, horizontal, vertical, Type.Missing);                chart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = legend;            }            catch (Exception e)            {                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e);            }                }

 class test    {            static void Main(string[] args)        {            Vector<double> t = new Vector<double>(new double[] { 0.1, 1, 4, 9, 20, 30 }, 0);            Vector<double> r = new Vector<double>(new double[] { 0.081, 0.07, 0.044, 0.07, 0.04, 0.03 }, 0);            LinearInterpolator myInterpolatorH = new LinearInterpolator(t, r);            // Create the abscissa values f (hard-coded for the moment)            int M = 299;            Vector<double> term = new Vector<double>(M, 1);            term[term.MinIndex] = 0.1;            double step = 0.1;            for (int j = term.MinIndex + 1; j <= term.MaxIndex; j++)            {                term[j] = term[j - 1] + step;            }            Vector<double> interpolatedlinear = myInterpolatorH.Curve(term);                    ExcelMechanisms exl = new ExcelMechanisms();            exl.printOneExcel<double>(term, interpolatedlinear, "Linear Interpolated Curve", "time", "Interest Rate", "Interpolated Interest Rate");                            Console.Read();        }

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace UserDefinedDataEXP{    //点列    public class Pair <T>    {         public T first;        public T second;        public Pair (T First, T Second)        {            this.first = First;            this.second = Second;        }    }    //双线插值    public class BilinearInterpolator    {        private Vector<double> x1Arr;        private Vector<double> x2Arr;        private NumericMatrix<double> matVals;        private int N1;        private int N2;        //找出x1Arr中小于或者等于x的index        //找出x2Arr中小于或者等于y的index        public Pair<int> findAbscissa (double x,double y)        {            int firstIndex = 0;            int secondIndex = 0;            for (int i = 0; i <= N1-1; i++)            {                if (x1Arr[i]<=x && x<=x1Arr[i+1])                {                    for (int j = 0; j <= N2 - 1; j++)                    {                        if (x2Arr[j] <= y && y <= x2Arr[j + 1])                        {                            return new Pair<int>(firstIndex, secondIndex);                        }                        secondIndex++;                    }                }                firstIndex++;            }            return null;        }        //构造器        public BilinearInterpolator(Vector<double> x1arr, Vector<double> x2arr, NumericMatrix<double> gridValues)        {            this.x1Arr = x1arr;            this.x2Arr = x2arr;            N1 = x1arr.Length - 1;            N2 = x2arr.Length - 1;            matVals = gridValues;        }        //返回(x,y)上的值!        public double Solve(double x, double y)        {            Pair<int> p = findAbscissa(x, y);            int i = p.first;            int j = p.second;            // 4 box points, create variables for readability (see Wiki)            double Q11 = matVals[i, j]; double Q22 = matVals[i + 1, j + 1];            double Q12 = matVals[i, j + 1]; double Q21 = matVals[i + 1, j];            double x1 = x1Arr[i]; double x2 = x2Arr[i + 1];            double y1 = x2Arr[j]; double y2 = x2Arr[j + 1];            double factor = 1.0 / ((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1));            return (Q11 * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y) + Q21 * (x - x1) * (y2 - y) + Q12 * (x2 - x) * (y - y1) + Q22 * (x - x1) * (y - y1)) * factor;        }        //根据输入的(x,y)点列集,给出插值后的Surface        public NumericMatrix<double> Surface(Vector<double> x1arr, Vector<double> x2arr)        {             NumericMatrix<double> result=new NumericMatrix<double>(x1arr.Length, x1arr.Length);            for (int i = x1arr.MinIndex; i <= x1arr.MaxIndex; i++)            {                for (int j = x2arr.MinIndex; j <= x2arr.MaxIndex; j++)                {                    result[i, j] = Solve(x1arr[i], x2arr[j]);                }            }            return result;        }        public NumericMatrix<double> Surface()        { // Create the interpolated surface, MEMBER DATA AS ABSCISSAE            return Surface(x1Arr, x2Arr);        }    }    // LinearInterpolator【更新】2015/3/10    public class LinearInterpolator    {        public Vector<double> t;        public Vector<double> observedRate;        public LinearInterpolator(Vector<double> t, Vector<double> ObservedRate)        {            this.t = t;            this.observedRate = ObservedRate;        }        public Vector<double> Curve(Vector<double> term)        {            int size = term.Length;            Vector<double> result = new Vector<double>(term.Length,term.MinIndex);            for (int i =term.MinIndex ; i <=term.MaxIndex; i++)            {                if (term[i]<=t[t.MinIndex])                {                    result[i] = observedRate[observedRate.MinIndex];                }                else if (term[i]>=t[t.MaxIndex])                {                    result[i] = observedRate[observedRate.MaxIndex];                }                else                {                        for (int j = t.MinIndex; j <=t.MaxIndex-1; j++)                        {                            if (term[i] > t[j] && term[i] < t[j + 1]) { result[i] = ((term[i] - t[j + 1]) * observedRate[j] + (t[j] - term[i]) * observedRate[j + 1]) / (t[j] - t[j + 1]); }                        }                }               }            return result;        }    }}
