ServiceStack.OrmLite 在nuget上有使用限制的!
Whilst ServiceStack v4 is a commercially-supported product, we also allow free usage for small projects and evaluation purposes.
The NuGet packages above include the quota's below which can be unlocked with a license key:
10 Operations in ServiceStack (i.e. Request DTOs)
10 Tables in OrmLite
20 Different Types in JSON, JSV and CSV Serializers *
20 Different Types in Redis Client Typed APIs
6000 requests per hour with the Redis Client
那么在github下载的源码编译后的DLL 里面也有限制吗?
ServiceStack.OrmLite 这只是其中的一个工程
还有Text 、Interface 这两个工程你也要下下来 他的限制好像在Interaface里位置在哪要回家看代码,现在电脑上没有。。
These quotas are lifted in ServiceStack.Client generic service clients allowing un-restricted access when consuming ServiceStack services. 限制在ServiceStack.Client 里面,我还没找到
在 ServiceStack.OrmLite下的 OrmLiteConfigExtensions 第199行把这句注释掉就可以了
//LicenseUtils.AssertValidUsage(LicenseFeature.OrmLite, QuotaType.Tables, typeModelDefinitionMap.Count);