FILE: helloformapp.c
=============================================================================== */
#include "AEE.h" // Standard AEE Declarations
#include "AEEShell.h" // AEE Shell Services
#include "AEEFont.h" // AEE Font Services
#include "AEEDisp.h" // AEE Display Services
#include "AEEStdLib.h" // AEE StdLib Services
#include "AEERootForm.h"
#include "AEEStaticWidget.h"
#include "AEEImageWidget.h"
#include "AEEImageStaticWidget.h"
#include "AEETitleWidget.h"
#include "AEEComUtil.h"
#include "bid/helloformapp.bid"
#include "bid\AEECLSID_ROOTFORM.bid"
#include "bid\AEECLSID_FORM.bid"
#include "bid\AEECLSID_STATICWIDGET.bid"
#define RELEASEIF(p) ReleaseIf((IBase**)(void *)&p)
static void ReleaseIf(IBase **ppif) {
if (*ppif) {
*ppif = 0;
Applet structure. All variables in here are reference via "me->"
// create an applet structure that's passed around. All variables in
// here will be able to be referenced as static.
typedef struct _helloformapp {
IApplet ia;
IAppletVtbl iavt;
int nRefs;
IDisplay *pIDisplay; // give a standard way to access the Display interface
IShell *pIShell; // give a standard way to access the Shell interface
IModule *pIModule;
// add your own variables here...
IRootForm *piRootForm; // root form
IForm *piForm; // form to be displayed
} helloformapp;
static const AECHAR awchSoftkey1[] = {'T','e','s','t', 0};
static const AECHAR awchSoftkey2[] = {'E','x','i','t', 0};
static const AECHAR awchTitle[] = {'S','a','m','p','l','e',' ','F','o','r','m', 0};
static const AECHAR awchText[] = { 'H','e','l','l','o',' ','t','h','e','r','e',',',' ','c','a','n',' ','y','o','u',' ','s','e','e',' ','m','e','?', 0};
static const AECHAR awchNewText[] = { 'W','e','l','l',',',' ','I',' ','s','u','p','p','o','s','e',' ','y','o','u',' ','s','a','w',' ','m','e',' ',':',')', 0};
const RGBAVAL rgbFrmBg = MAKE_RGBA(0,0,128,255);