当前位置: 代码迷 >> 汇编语言 >> 从实地址模式进入保护地址模式.解决思路


热度:5024   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0

call empty_8042 ;we must wait until the buffer is empty
mov al,0xd1
out 0x64,al
call empty_8042
mov al,0xdf
out 0x60,al
call empty_8042

;Now the A20 gate has been enabled
;we must reprogram 8259A
;Intel has reserved interrupt vector 0x00-0x1f,
;however, IBM set the vector for 8259A at 0x08.
;it 's really a mass.
;so we must reprogram it:)

mov al,0x11 ;ICW1
out 0x20,al ;send it to 8259A-master
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
out 0xa0,al ;send it to 8259A-slave
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
mov al,0x20 ;ICW2,interrupt vector
out 0x21,al ;send it to master
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
mov al,0x28
out 0xa1,al ;send it to slave
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
mov al,0x04
out 0x21,al ;set master
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
mov al,0x02
out 0xa1,al ;set slave
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
mov al,0x01 ;ICW4
out 0x21,al ;sent it to master
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
out 0xa1,al ;sent it to slave
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
mov al,0xff ;mask off all interrupt for now
out 0x21,al ;for master
dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;delay
out 0xa1,al ;for slave

;OK,it 's really a mass:(

;now load gdt and idt
lgdt [gdt_48]
lidt [idt_48]

;now we should change the mode
;and it 's simple

mov ax,0x0001
lmsw ax ;that 's it
db 0x66,0xea ;we need a jump
code32: dd 0x90800
dw 0x0008


jmp die

;this is the routine empty_8042

dw 0x00eb,0x00eb ;it 's for the delay
in al,0x64 ;8042 status port
test al,2 ;is buffer empty
jnz empty_8042


;The gdt data stucture is as follows
;word1 limit(bit 0 - bit 15)
;word2 base (bit 0 - bit 15)
;word3 present bit, DPL bits(2 bits), S bit, Type (4 bits), base(bit 16 - bit 23)
;word4 base(bit 24- bit 31), G bit, D/B bit, Zero bit, AVL bit, limit(bit 16 - bit 19)

dw 0,0,0,0 ;dummy

;this is the kernel cs, refered by 0x08
dw 0xffff ;limit = 0xffff
dw 0x0000 ;base = 0x0000
dw 0x9A00 ;present=1, DPL=00, style=1, base=0x00, 1001,1010,0000,0000b
dw 0x00Cf ;base = 0x00, G=1, D/B=1, AVL=00, limit=f 0000,0000,1100,1111b

;this is the kernel ds, refered by 0x10
dw 0xffff ;limit = 0xffff
dw 0x0000 ;base = 0x0000
dw 0x9200 ;present=1, DPL=00, style=1, base=0x00, 1001,0010,0000,0000b
dw 0x00Cf ;base = 0x00, G=1, D/B=1, AVL=00, limit=f 0000,0000,1100,1111b

;this is the user cs, refered by 0x1b
dw 0xffff ;limit = 0xffff
dw 0x0000 ;base = 0x0000
dw 0xfA00 ;present=1, DPL=00, style=1, base=0x00, 1111,1010,0000,0000b
dw 0x00Cf ;base = 0x00, G=1, D/B=1, AVL=00, limit=f 0000,0000,1100,1111b

;this is the user ds, refered by 0x23
dw 0xffff ;limit = 0xffff
dw 0x0000 ;base = 0x0000
dw 0xf200 ;present=1, DPL=11, style=1, base=0x00, 1111,0010,0000,0000b
dw 0x00Cf ;base = 0x00, G=1, D/B=1, AVL=00, limit=f 0000,0000,1100,1111b

;reserved for tss
dw 0x0068 ;limit = 0xffff
dw 0x0000 ;base = 0x0000
dw 0x8900 ;presnet=1,DPL=0x11,0,style=1001,base = 0x00 1000,1001,0000,0000