Current date is 10-30-2001. Current time is 10:23:26.12
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
extern "C " int get();
int main()
return 0;
;========================================== ;get.asm
;A little assembly app that shows the current date and time.
;It can be done a lot easier, but this way you will
;see how to do some basic memory manipulation, and how to use 'variables '.
.model small
;Data segment starts here
date_str DB "Current date is: yyyy-mm-dd ", 0Ah, 0Dh, "$ "
time_str DB "Current time is: hh.mm.ss:xx ", 0Ah, 0Dh, "$ "
min_size DW ?
padd_chr DB ?
;Code segment starts here
_get PROC
MOV AX, SEG @data ;First we get the data segment address
MOV DS, AX ;and store it into ds
MOV [min_size], 02h ;Results should always be at least two digits
MOV [padd_chr], '0 ' ;Use '0 ' as padding-character
MOV AH, 2Ah ;Then we call int 21h,2Ah, which will give
INT 21h ;us the current date
LEA DI, date_str ;Then we load the address of the date_str string
ADD DI, 17 ;and set si to point at the first y in yyyy-...
MOV AX, CX ;Next we mov cx to ax and
CALL todec ;call todec
INC DI ;We skip the '- ' character...
XOR AX, AX ;Then we empty ax
MOV AL, DH ;And set the low-byte of ax to dh
CALL todec
INC DI ;Skip character in string...
XOR AX, AX ;Empty ax
MOV AL, DL ;Set low-byte to dl