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热度:1807   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0

Find out what the BL registry value is at each block and convert it to ascii. The solution is the concatenation of all the ascii values.

mov AX,171
sub AX,154
mov CX,AX
shl AX,2
sub AX,CX
mov BL,AL

mov BX,101
mov CL,42h
sub BX,13h
shr CX,1
sub BL,CL

mov AX,13h
mov BX,3
mul BL
mov BL,AL

mov CX,7
mov AX,0C8h
idiv CL
add AL,01Bh
mov BL,AL

mov CX,12h
sub CX,0Ah
shl CX,1
mov BX,CX
shl CX,2
add CX,BX
sub CL,5
mov BL,CL

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