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为shr dx, 4这条语句报错?解决办法

热度:2165   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
为shr dx, 4这条语句报错?

;我的问题见程序(MASM6.15+WIN98SE   程序是运行在MS-DOS下):
.model   tiny


rt_shift     EQU   01h ;   Right   shift   key:   bit   0

ctrl_key     EQU   04h ;   CTRL   key:   bit   2

alt_key       EQU   08h ;   ALT   key:   bit   3

del_key       EQU   53h ;   scan   code   for   DEL   key

kybd_port   EQU   60h ;   keyboard   input   port

org   100h ;   this   is   a   COM   program

jmp   setup

msgCtrl   BYTE   "Ctrl-Alt-Del   no   run ",   0dh,   0ah,   '$ '

;   Memory-resident   code   begins   here

int9_handler   PROC   FAR

sti   ;   enable   hardware   interrupts

pushf   ;   save   regs   &   flags

push   es

push   ax

push   di  

;Point   ES:DI   to   the   DOS   keyboard   flag   byte:

mov   ax,   40h ;   DOS   data   segment   is   at   40h
mov   es,   ax

mov   di,   17h ;   location   of   keyboard   flag

mov   ah,   es:[di] ;   copy   keyboard   flag   into   AH

;Test   for   the   CTRL   and   ALT   keys:

test   ah,   ctrl_key ;   CTRL   key   held   down?

jz   L5 ;   no:   exit

test   ah,   alt_key ;   ALT   key   held   down?

jz   L5 ;   no:   exit

;Test   for   the   DEL   and   Right-shift   keys:

in   al,   kybd_port ;   read   keyboard   port

cmp   al,   del_key ;   DEL   key   pressed?

jne   L5 ;   no:   exit

test   ah,   rt_shift ;   right   shift   key   pressed?

jnz   L5 ;   yes:   allow   system   reset

L4:   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
mov   ah,   9

mov   dx,   OFFSET   msgCtrl

int   21h

and   ah,   NOT   ctrl_key   ;   no:   turn   off   bit   for   CTRL

mov   es:[di],   ah ;   store   keyboard_flag

pop   di

pop   ax

pop   es


jmp   cs:[old_interrupt9] ;jump   to   INT   9   routine

old_interrupt9   DWORD   ?