assume cs:code,ds:data
data segment
db 8,11,8,1,8,5,63,38
data ends
code segment
start: mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0
mov bx,0
mov cx,8
s: cmp byte ptr [bx],8
je ok
jmp short next
ok: inc ax
next: inc bx
loop s
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
为何08 0B变成38 01,求解释
你上面设置的 ss:sp=0ffff:0000 不是个程序可以随意写入的地方,那里是 bios 的区间。
纯DOS下的Turbo Debug:
BreakPoints、Changed memory global...、
BreakPoints、Hardware breakpoints...、
To break when the value at a specified memory address changes
From the Edit menu, click Breakpoints.
Click the Data tab of the Breakpoints dialog box.
In the Expression text box, type the memory address for the byte.
For a word or doubleword memory address, enclose the address in parentheses, and precede it with a cast operator. For example, WO(21406036) for the word at memory location 21406036. Use the cast operator BY for a byte (optional), WO for a word, or DW for a doubleword. (The debugger interprets all integer constants as decimal unless they begin with zero (0) for octal or zero and x (0x) for hexadecimal.)
In the Number Of Elements text box, type the number of bytes, words, or doublewords to monitor. If you used the BY operator in the Expression field, specify the number of bytes. If you used WO, specify the number of words. If you used DW, specify the number of doublewords.
Click OK to set the breakpoint.
start: mov dx,0ffffh 你怎么这么有才。。。寻址只有20bit 实地址模式
这里 你敢保证 数据段的8 是 DS:0?
我仿佛记得有对齐的 而且MASM默认对其.. 应该用OFFSET安全些 最好你看下是否偏移是0
mov bx,0
mov cx,8
s: cmp byte ptr [bx],8
你敢保证 DOSbox安全?
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
然后个数据 ”8 ” 的读取 ds第一地方 如果还是 38h 那么截图再来看看
照上边的样子 stack没有用到 而且中断也没有调用
是在说mov ds , ax 指令还会潜在的写堆栈? 那么要么你的编译器是一个骗子