source BYTE "I want an apple", 0
revstr BYTE SIZEOF source DUP(0)
revwrd BYTE SIZEOF source DUP(0)
ecxbkp DWORD ?
main PROC
; Print the elimited source
mov edx, 0
mov edx, OFFSET source
cmp al,' '
jmp delet
mov source[esi],al
inc esi
loop L5
mov edx,esi
call WriteString
call Crlf
; Clear registers ;
mov esi, SIZEOF source
sub esi, 2 ; skip the NULL terminator byte
mov edi, 0
mov ecx, SIZEOF source
mov eax, 0
; reverse the string char by char from source to revstr ;
; move the character in source at index ESI into register AL ;
mov al, source[esi]
; move the character in AL into revstr at index EDI
mov revstr[edi], al
; Increment/Decrement pointers ;
dec esi
inc edi
loop L1
mov revstr[edi], 0 ; Add NUL character
; Print revstr ;
mov edx, 0
mov edx, OFFSET revstr
call WriteString
call Crlf
; Clear registers ;
mov esi, 0
mov edi, 0
mov ecx, SIZEOF revstr
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
; reverse each word in revstr and store in revwrd ;
mov al, revstr[esi]
; Check if al is a space ;
cmp al, 32
je space
; Check if al is a NUL character ;
cmp al, 0
je ending
; Increment ESI if we haven't reached a space ;
inc esi
loop L2
; Backup ECX and then set ECX = ESI ;
; Increment through (ECX - EDI) ;
mov ecxbkp, ecx
mov ecx, esi
sub ecx, edi
mov ebx, esi
dec esi ; skip the space character
; move the character in revstr at index ESI into AL ;
mov al, revstr[esi]
; move the character in AL into revwrd at index EDI ;
mov revwrd[edi], al
; Increment/Decrement pointers ;
dec esi
inc edi
loop L3
mov revwrd[edi], 32 ; Add space
; Restore L2-loop values and loop back into L2 ;
mov ecx, ecxbkp
mov esi, ebx
inc esi ; move 1 index foward
mov edi, ebx
inc edi ; move 1 index forward
loop L2
; Increment through (ECX - EDI) ;
mov ecx, esi
sub ecx, edi
mov ebx, esi
dec esi ; skip the space character
; move the character in revstr at index ESI into AL ;
mov al, revstr[esi]
; move the character in AL into revwrd at index EDI ;
mov revwrd[edi], al
; Increment/Decrement pointers ;
dec esi
inc edi
loop L4
mov revwrd[edi], 0 ; Add NUL character
; Print revwrd ;
mov edx, 0
mov edx, OFFSET revwrd
call WriteString
call Crlf
main ENDP
END main
这个是代码,我想让它从I want an apple变成I want an apple。
main PROC
mov edx, offset source
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov esi, offset source ; 指向源字符串
mov edi, offset revstr ; 处理后的放这里
mov ah, 0 ; 存放前一字符,初始为 00
lodsb ; 读入下一字符
test al, al ; 字符串结束标记字符?
jz l_ ; 是,转走结束处理
cmp al, ' ' ; 是空格字符?
jne l_st ; 否,转走存储到目的区
cmp ah, ' ' ; 是空格,那前一字符是空格?
je l_lp ; 是,转走去进行下一字符处理循环
stosb ; 字符存储到目的区
mov ah, al ; 当前字符到前一字符用于下一字符处理
jmp l_ch1 ; 转去处理下一字符
stosb ;
mov edx, offset revstr
call WriteString
invoke ExitProcess, NULL