<!--#include file= "util.asp " -->
<!--#include file= "conn.inc " -->
dz=request.QueryString( "dz ")
strCpbm = Request( "cpbm ")
if ((len(trim(strCpbm)) = 0) or (strCpbm = "undefined ")) then
strCheck = "no "
end if
ProductList = Session( "ProductList ")
Products = Split(Request( "cpbm "), ", ")
For I=0 To UBound(Products)
PutToShopBag Products(I), ProductList
Session( "ProductList ") = ProductList
Head= "以下是您所选购的物品清单 "
ProductList = Session( "ProductList ")
If Len(ProductList) =0 Then
Response.Redirect "nothing.asp "
end if
If Request( "MySelf ") = "Yes " Then
ProductList = " "
Products = Split(Request( "cpbm "), ", ")
For I=0 To UBound(Products)
PutToShopBag Products(I), ProductList
Session( "ProductList ") = ProductList
End If
If Len(ProductList) = 0 Then
Response.Redirect "nothing.asp "
end if
set rs=server.createobject( "adodb.recordset ")
sql = "Select * From [product] where pn in( "&ProductList& ") "
rs.open sql,conn,1,1,1
<meta http-equiv= "Content-Type " content= "text/html; charset=gb2312 ">
<title> 以下是您所选购的物品清单 </title>
<script language= "Javascript ">
function fucCheckNUM(NUM)
var i,j,strTemp;
strTemp= "0123456789 ";
if ( NUM.length== 0)
return 0
for (i=0;i <NUM.length;i++)
if (j==-1)
return 0;
return 1;
function clean()
window.location.href= "clear.asp "
<body topmargin= "5 ">
<div align= "center ">
<table width= "80% " border= "0 " cellspacing= "0 ">
<td width= "80% " valign= "top "> <p align= "center ">
<p align= "center ">
<font color= "#FF0000 " > <%=Head%> </font> </p>
<!--webbot BOT= "GeneratedScript " PREVIEW= " " startspan --> <script Language= "JavaScript "> <!--