<!--#include file= "conn.asp "-->
set rs=server.createobject( "adodb.recordset ") '使用记录集组件创建记录集
cx= "select name,qq,email,ly,time from liuyan order by id desc " '建立查询变量,查询表中的字段,顺序为倒序,即反顺序,此处不能有空格
rs.open cx,conn,1,1 '打开记录集,进行读取
<%rs.pagesize=3 '使用recordset记录中的pagesize(页面显示的记录数)属性来确定每页显示几条记录
suoyouye=rs.pagecount '查询记录集中的页数
page=int(request( "page ")) '将PAGE变量 转换为整数
if page <=0 then page=1 '如果页数等于小于零那么设定此页等于1
if request( "page ")= " " then page=1 '如果页数等于空,那么仍旧蛇定此页等于1
rs.absolutepage=page '指定当前记录在哪一页。pagesize、pagecount、absolutpage均为recordset的属性
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN " "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd ">
<meta http-equiv= "Content-Type " content= "text/html; charset=gb2312 ">
<title> 无标题文档 </title>
<style type= "text/css ">
.style1 {font-size: 12px}
.style2 {
font-size: 14px;
color: #FF0000;
<%if rs.eof and rs.bof then
response.write "还没有文章 "
for i=1 to rs.pagesize%>
<div align= "center ">
<table width= "543 " height= "80 " border= "1 " cellpadding= "0 " cellspacing= "0 " bordercolor= "#006633 ">
<td width= "369 " height= "23 "> <table width= "369 " border= "0 " cellspacing= "0 " cellpadding= "0 ">
<td height= "23 " bgcolor= "#00CCCC "> <div align= "left "> <span class= "style1 "> 留言人 </span> :
<%response.write rs( "name ")%>
<span class= "style1 "> 留言时间 </span> :
<%response.write rs( "time ")%>
</div> </td>
</table> </td>
<td width= "84 "> <table width= "84 " border= "0 " cellspacing= "0 " cellpadding= "0 ">
<td height= "23 " bgcolor= "#009966 "> <div align= "center "> <a href= "http://search.tencent.com/cgi-bin/friend/user_show_info?ln= <%=rs( "qq ")%> " target= "_blank " class= "style1 "> QQ </a> </div> </td>