For example, Apache with .htaccess is vulnerable if HTTP verbs are specified using the LIMIT keyword:
<Limit GET>
require valid-user
This vulnerability affects /2012/mother/tp/.
Discovered by: Scripting (Http_Verb_Tampering.script).
The impact of this vulnerability
An attacker can bypass web authentication and authorization.
修改require valid-user
修改require valid-user
Apache with .htaccess is vulnerable if HTTP verbs are specified using the LIMIT keyword:
<Limit GET>
require valid-user
意思是有Limit的GET会让APACHE变得很脆弱。Limit GET是为特权用户开辟的权限最高的通道,别人容易伪造成valid-user来使用它。应该取消这种特权用户(就是把<Limit GET>到</Limit>这段删除或注释掉),而通过安全地身份验证和有控制的程序实现来保证特殊操作的进行。
<Limit GET>
require 改成你指定的用户名