当前位置: 代码迷 >> ASP.NET >> 大家伙儿来批批一套外企面试题,掂掂自己的分量


热度:9485   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0

Question   1   -     System   Architecture
Consider   the   following   system   deployment   or   design:

  User--------------Web   server--------------Database

Part   a   -     Rate   the   Design
How   do   you   rate   this   system   in   regards   to   the   following   criteria?
Indicate   for   each   criteria   –   resiliency,   performance   and   scalability   –   whether   you   consider   the   design   of   the   system   displayed   above   as   poor,   average   or   superior.   Select   ‘n/a’   if   you   feel   the   information   is   insufficient   to   make   a   choice.
Resiliency 0   n/a 0   poor 0   average 0   superior
Performance 0   n/a 0   poor 0   average 0   superior
Scalability 0   n/a 0   poor 0   average 0   superior
Part   b   -     Explain   the   Ratings
For   the   choices   where   you   selected   either   poor   or   superior,   specify   one   relevant   reason   for   you   selection.




Part   c   -     Suggest   Improvements
For   the   choices   where   you   selected   either   poor   or   average,   suggest   one   or   two   options   to   improve   the   design   of   the   system.   You   may   also   use   the   space   below   to   draw   a   picture.
