当前位置: 代码迷 >> ASP.NET >> 【【DataTable每次增加为什么会覆盖之前的数据?】】


热度:7454   发布时间:2013-02-25 00:00:00.0
  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  DataTable table = new DataTable();
  DataColumn c1 = new DataColumn("订单编号", typeof(string));
  DataColumn c2 = new DataColumn("买家昵称", typeof(string));
  DataColumn c3 = new DataColumn("卖家昵称", typeof(string));
  DataColumn c4 = new DataColumn("订单状态", typeof(string));
  DataColumn c5 = new DataColumn("商品标题", typeof(string));
  DataColumn c6 = new DataColumn("价格", typeof(string));
  ViewState["dt"] = table;  
  string[,] trades = null;
  trades = new string[40, 7];
  int i = 0;
  foreach (XmlNode node in nodeLst)
  // Response.Write(node.SelectSingleNode("iid").InnerText);
  trades[i, 0] = node.SelectSingleNode("iid").InnerText;
  trades[i, 1] = node.SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText;
  trades[i, 2] = node.SelectSingleNode("pic_url").InnerText;
  trades[i, 3] = node.SelectSingleNode("price").InnerText;
  trades[i, 4] = node.SelectSingleNode("click_url").InnerText;
  trades[i, 5] = node.SelectSingleNode("nick").InnerText;
  int c = trades.GetLength(0);
  DataTable mydt = (DataTable)ViewState["dt"];
  for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
  DataRow r1 = mydt.NewRow(); 
  r1["订单编号"] = trades[i, 0];
  r1["买家昵称"] = trades[i, 1];
  r1["卖家昵称"] = trades[i, 2];
  r1["订单状态"] = trades[i, 3];
  r1["商品标题"] = trades[i, 4];
  r1["价格"] = trades[i, 5];


  this.GridView1.DataSource = mydt;



 string tag = @"(?:[\w-:]+)"; 
 string attribute = @"(?:[\w-:]+)(?:=(?:[^\s\>\<]*|\""[\s\S]*?\""|\'[\s\S]*?\'))?"; 
 string name = @"(?:[\w-:]+)"; 
 string xmlDirective = @"(?:\<!" +name + @"(?:\s+" +argument + @")*\s*\>)"; 
 string xmlCData = @"(?:\<!\[CDATA\[(?:[\s\S]*?)\]\]\>)"; 
C# code
using System;  2using System.Collections.Generic;  3using System.Text;  4using System.Text.RegularExpressions;  5using MIL.Html;  6  7namespace Yuanso.Sitework.Crawler  8{  9     public class HtmlUtil 10     { 11         /**//// <summary> 12         /// Written:     [CHINA] Zhang Liu  13         /// Date:        1,Jun,2006  14         /// Version:     1.0 15         /// Support:     MYBASK <see cref="http://www.mybask.net"/> 16         /// Looking for latest version or similar implementation of this function, please visit: <seealso cref="http://www.mybask.net"/> 17         /// Summary: 18         /// Picking up text content from a html document. This function will remove: 19         /// 1. <%=%> 20         /// 2. script 21         /// 3. style 22         /// 4. html tags 23         /// 6. &nbsp; and others 24         /// 7. html comments 25         /// After all above removed, \r\n will be replaced by an empty character. 26         /// </summary> 27         /// <param name="strHtml">string:Waiting for striping html,javascript, style elements</param> 28         /// <returns>string: Stripped text</returns> 29         public static string ExtractContent(string strHtml) 30         { 31             //All the regular expression for matching html, javascript, style elements and others. 32             string[] aryRegex ={@"<%=[\w\W]*?%>",    @"<script[\w\W]*?</script>",     @"<style[\w\W]*?</style>",   @"<[/]?[\w\W]*?>",   @"([\r\n])[\s]+", 33                                 @"&(nbsp|#160);",    @"&(iexcl|#161);",               @"&(cent|#162);",            @"&(pound|#163);",   @"&(copy|#169);", 34                                 @"&#(\d+);",         @"-->",                          @"<!--.*\n"}; 35             //Corresponding replacment to the regular expressions. 36             //string[] aryReplacment = { "", "", "", "", "", " ", "\xa1", "\xa2", "\xa3", "\xa9", "", "\r\n", "" }; 37             string[] aryReplacment = { "", "", "", "", "", " ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; 38             string strStripped = strHtml; 39             //Loop to replacing. 40             for (int i = 0; i < aryRegex.Length; i++) 41             { 42                 Regex regex = new Regex(aryRegex[i], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 43                 strStripped = regex.Replace(strStripped, aryReplacment[i]); 44             } 45             //Replace "\r\n" to an empty character. 46             strStripped.Replace("\r\n", ""); 47             strStripped.Replace("\t", ""); 48             //Return stripped string. 49             return strStripped; 50         } 51         public static string ExtractTitle(string strHtml) 52         { 53 54             string title; 55             //string titleResult; 56             Match m; 57             string titlePatern = @"<title[^>]*?>.*?</title>"; 58             Regex regex = new Regex(titlePatern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 59             m = regex.Match(strHtml); 60             if (m.Success) 61             { 62                 title = m.Value.ToString(); 63                 title = title.Replace("<title>", ""); 64                 title = title.Replace("</title>", ""); 65             } 66             else title = "无标题"; 67 68             return title; 69         } 70         /**//// <summary> 71         /// 此私有方法从一段HTML文本中提取出一定字数的纯文本 72         /// </summary> 73         /// <param name="instr">HTML代码</param> 74         /// <param name="firstN">提取从头数多少个字</param> 75         /// <param name="withLink">是否要链接里面的字</param> 76         /// <returns>纯文本</returns> 77         public static string getFirstNchar(string instr, int firstN, bool withLink) 78         { 79             string strStripped; 80             strStripped = instr.Clone() as string; 81             strStripped = new Regex(@"(?m)<script[^>]*>(\w|\W)*?</script[^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(strStripped, ""); 82             strStripped = new Regex(@"(?m)<style[^>]*>(\w|\W)*?</style[^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(strStripped, ""); 83             strStripped = new Regex(@"(?m)<select[^>]*>(\w|\W)*?</select[^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(strStripped, ""); 84             if (!withLink) strStripped = new Regex(@"(?m)<a[^>]*>(\w|\W)*?</a[^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(strStripped, ""); 85             Regex objReg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(<[^>]+?>)|&nbsp;", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 86             strStripped = objReg.Replace(strStripped, ""); 87             Regex objReg2 = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\\s)+", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 88             strStripped = objReg2.Replace(strStripped, " "); 89             //return strStripped.Length > firstN ? strStripped.Substring(0, firstN) : strStripped; 90             return strStripped; 91         } 92 93         public static string getTitle(string strHtml) 94         { 95             string title=""; 96             Regex reg = new Regex(@"(?m)<title[^>]*>(?<title>(?:\w|\W)*?)</title[^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 97             Match mc = reg.Match(strHtml); 98             if (mc.Success) 99                 title = mc.Groups["title"].Value.Trim();100101             return title;102         }103     }104     public class Htmlpage105     {106         public static string GetTitle(string strHtml)107         {108             MIL.Html.HtmlDocument documnet;109             HtmlParser parser = new HtmlDomainTreeParser();110             documnet = parser.Parse(strHtml);111             StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("");112             foreach (HtmlNode node in documnet.Nodes.FindAllText(true))113             {114115                 HtmlText textNode;116                 textNode = (HtmlText)node;117                 if (!textNode.Text.Contains("\r") && !textNode.Text.Contains("\n"))118                 {119                     text.Append(textNode.Text);120                     break;121                 }122                123             }124             return text.ToString();125126         }127         public static string GetContent(string strHtml)128         {129             MIL.Html.HtmlDocument documnet;130             HtmlParser parser = new HtmlDomainTreeParser();131             documnet = parser.Parse(strHtml);132             StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();133             foreach (HtmlNode node in documnet.Nodes.FindAllText(true))134             {135136                 HtmlText textNode;137                 textNode = (HtmlText)node;138                 if (textNode.Text.Contains("\r") || textNode.Text.Contains("\n"))139                     continue;140                 else text.Append(textNode.Text);141142             }143             return text.ToString();144145         }146     }147148}149