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android textview 跑马灯 滚动成效

热度:298   发布时间:2016-05-01 20:45:30.0
android textview 跑马灯 滚动效果
it's easy to do via XML. Use the following settings:

android:singleLine="true" 单行显示android:ellipsize="marquee" 跑马灯显示android:marqueeRepeatLimit="marquee_forever" 设置重复滚动的次数,无限次android:focusable="false" 设置是否获得焦点(当执行了setFocusable (false)后,再执行 setFocusable (true) 无法输入,也获取不了焦点了。


setFocusableInTouchMode 与 setFocusable 之间有什么区别呢?)

android:scrollHorizontally="true" 超过textview宽度时,是否出现横拉条

If your TextView is within a RelativeLayout, the width or height will have to be static (i.e. 32dp). If you need dynamic, place the TextView in another View within the RelativeLayout.

In onCreate(), you need to make the TextView selected:

myTextView.setSelected(true);---------------------------------------android:ellipsize="start" 省略号在开头
android:ellipsize="middle" 省略号在中间
android:ellipsize="end" 省略号在结尾
android:ellipsize="marquee" 跑马灯显示
注: EditText不支持marquee这种模式。--------------------------------------注:多个TextView同时跑马灯效果