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Android自定义Shape 加上影子shadow之方法

热度:56   发布时间:2016-05-01 19:08:33.0
Android自定义Shape 加上阴影shadow之方法

Android支持自定义Shape, 以画出需要的形状,可以作为TextView, EditText, Button的背景drawable资源。Shape很简单,就是一个XML文件,SDK文档里描述其格式如下:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>    <shape        xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"        android:shape=["rectangle" | "oval" | "line" | "ring"] >        <corners            android:radius="integer"            android:topLeftRadius="integer"            android:topRightRadius="integer"            android:bottomLeftRadius="integer"            android:bottomRightRadius="integer" />        <gradient            android:angle="integer"            android:centerX="integer"            android:centerY="integer"            android:centerColor="integer"            android:endColor="color"            android:gradientRadius="integer"            android:startColor="color"            android:type=["linear" | "radial" | "sweep"]            android:usesLevel=["true" | "false"] />        <padding            android:left="integer"            android:top="integer"            android:right="integer"            android:bottom="integer" />        <size            android:width="integer"            android:height="integer" />        <solid            android:color="color" />        <stroke            android:width="integer"            android:color="color"            android:dashWidth="integer"            android:dashGap="integer" />    </shape>


其支持的属性没有shadow, 做Web前端开发的同学写CSS可以很方便地加一个shadow属性值,如何给Android Shape加一个shadow,以得到类似的效果呢?


答案是使用layer-list !?? 直接上代码如下:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">	<item>		<shape android:shape="rectangle">			<solid android:color="#792a03" />			<corners android:radius="19dp" />		</shape>	</item>		<item  android:top="1px">		<shape android:shape="rectangle">			<gradient android:startColor="#ffdb8f" android:endColor="#ffdb8f"				android:angle="270" />			<padding android:left="5dp" android:top="3dp" android:right="5dp"				android:bottom="3dp" />			<corners android:radius="20dp" />		</shape>	</item>?</layer-list>


将以上xml存成btn_test, 放到res/drawable/目录下。 将该drawable xml设为一个TextView的backgroiund,


<TextView       android:background="@drawable/btn_test"??      android:layout_marginTop="20dip"    	android:layout_marginLeft="5dip"  	android:textColor="#792a03" 		    	    	android:text="1天2小时14分20秒"       android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />









Layer List

A LayerDrawable is a drawable objectthat manages an array of other drawables. Each drawable in the list is drawn in the order of thelist—the last drawable in the list is drawn on top.

Each drawable is represented by an <item> element inside a single <layer-list> element.

file location:
The filename is used as the resource ID.
compiled resource datatype:
Resource pointer to a LayerDrawable.
resource reference:
In Java: R.drawable.filename
In XML: @[package:]drawable/filename

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>    <layer-list        xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >        <item            android:drawable="@[package:]drawable/drawable_resource"            android:id="@[+][package:]id/resource_name"            android:top="dimension"            android:right="dimension"            android:bottom="dimension"            android:left="dimension" />    </layer-list>



Required. This must be the root element. Contains one or more <item> elements.


String. Required. Defines the XML namespace, which must be "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android".
Defines a drawable to place in the layer drawable, in a position defined by its attributes.Must be a child of a <selector> element. Accepts child <bitmap>elements.


Drawable resource. Required. Reference to a drawableresource.
Resource ID. A unique resource ID for this drawable. To create a new resourceID for this item, use the form:"@+id/name". The plus symbol indicates that this should be created as a newID. You can use this identifier toretrieve and modify the drawable with View.findViewById() or Activity.findViewById().
Integer. The top offset in pixels.
Integer. The right offset in pixels.
Integer. The bottom offset in pixels.
Integer. The left offset in pixels.

All drawable items are scaled to fit the size of the containing View, by default. Thus,placing your images in a layer list at different positions might increase the size of the View andsome images scale as appropriate. To avoidscaling items in the list, use a <bitmap> element inside the <item> element to specify the drawable and define the gravity to something that does notscale, such as "center". For example, the following <item> defines an itemthat scales to fit its container View:

<item android:drawable="@drawable/image" />


To avoid scaling, the following example uses a <bitmap> element with centeredgravity:

<item>  <bitmap android:src="@drawable/image"          android:gravity="center" /></item>
XML file saved at res/drawable/layers.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">    <item>      <bitmap android:src="@drawable/android_red"        android:gravity="center" />    </item>    <item android:top="10dp" android:left="10dp">      <bitmap android:src="@drawable/android_green"        android:gravity="center" />    </item>    <item android:top="20dp" android:left="20dp">      <bitmap android:src="@drawable/android_blue"        android:gravity="center" />    </item></layer-list>

Notice that this example uses a nested <bitmap> element to define the drawableresource for each item with a "center" gravity. This ensures that none of the images are scaled tofit the size of the container, due to resizing caused by the offset images.

This layout XML applies the drawable to a View:


This layout XML applies the drawable to a View:


<ImageView    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:layout_width="wrap_content"    android:src="@drawable/layers" />

The result is a stack of increasingly offset images:

see also:
  • LayerDrawable