[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] F:\android\android-sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-4\samples\ApiDemos\res\values\strings.xml:643: error: Apostrophe not preceded by \ (in The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] operating system, middleware and key applications. Developers can create
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] applications for the platform using the Android SDK. Applications are written
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a custom virtual
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] machine designed for embedded use which runs on top of a Linux kernel.
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos]
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] If you want to know how to develop applications for Android, you\'re in the
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] right place. This site provides a variety of documentation that will help you
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] learn about Android and develop mobile applications for the platform.
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos]
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] An early look at the the Android SDK is also available. It includes sample
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] projects with source code, development tools, an emulator, and of course all
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] the libraries you'll need to build an Android application. What would it take
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] to build a better mobile phone?
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] )
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] F:\android\android-sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-4\samples\ApiDemos\res\layout\scrollbar3.xml:87: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value [email protected]/scrollbar_3_text').
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] F:\android\android-sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-4\samples\ApiDemos\res\layout\scrollbar3.xml:100: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value [email protected]/scrollbar_3_text').
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] F:\android\android-sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-4\samples\ApiDemos\res\layout\scrollbar3.xml:117: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value [email protected]/scrollbar_3_text').
[2011-07-26 17:18:25 - ApiDemos] F:\android\android-sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-4\samples\ApiDemos\res\layout\scrollbar3.xml:129: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value [email protected]/scrollbar_3_text').
解决办法:修改文件ApiDemos\res\values\strings.xml 把该文件中所有 ' 转义成 \'
365行:I\'m off!
366行:I\'m on!
635行:If you want to know how to develop applications for Android, you\'re in the
641行:the libraries you\'ll need to build an Android application. What would it take
2、关于Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1错误的解决:
1。 如果不修改android sdk版本,则使用project clean 命令作用于某工程即可。
2。 如果修改android sdk版本,则需要以下几个步骤:
选择工程,build path --> configure build path ---> library 删除引用的低版本SDK,
然后add External JARs,选择高版本SDK,OK,保存
3) 修改AndroidManifest.xml
4) 修改default.properties(很重要)
该文件最后一行(前面没用#的)target=android-3 该成target=android-8,保存。
再看看你的工程和新建的android 2.2的工程结构就一样了。