当前位置: 代码迷 >> Android >> 工程中带第三方包,android2.3混淆打包时报错,怎么解决


热度:88   发布时间:2016-05-01 18:00:12.0
Warning: org.dom4j.xpath.DefaultNamespaceContext: can't find referenced class org.jaxen.NamespaceContext
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] Warning: there were 438 unresolved references to classes or interfaces.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] You may need to specify additional library jars (using '-libraryjars'),
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] or perhaps the '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses' option.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] Warning: there were 1 unresolved references to program class members.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] Your input classes appear to be inconsistent.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] You may need to recompile them and try again.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] Alternatively, you may have to specify the options 
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses' and/or
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers'.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] java.io.IOException: Please correct the above warnings first.
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] at proguard.Initializer.execute(Initializer.java:308)
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] at proguard.ProGuard.initialize(ProGuard.java:210)
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] at proguard.ProGuard.execute(ProGuard.java:85)
[2011-01-06 09:20:49 - test1] at proguard.ProGuard.main(ProGuard.java:499)

我已经在proguard.cfg配置中加入了-libraryjars dom4j-1.6.1.jar配置,可还是不行,请高手指教,急用,谢谢

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