10. 为Audio Player写相关类文件
打开你的主要活动类(MainActivity)处理主要player界面,并且继承 OnCompletionListener, SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.在这种情况下,我的主要活动名称是AndroidBuildingMusicPlayerActivity。publicclassAndroidBuildingMusicPlayerActivityextendsActivity implementsOnCompletionListener, SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener { |
implementsOnCompletionListener, SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener {
privateImageButton btnPlay;
privateImageButton btnForward;
privateImageButton btnBackward;
privateImageButton btnNext;
privateImageButton btnPrevious;
privateImageButton btnPlaylist;
privateImageButton btnRepeat;
privateImageButton btnShuffle;
privateSeekBar songProgressBar;
privateTextView songTitleLabel;
privateTextView songCurrentDurationLabel;
privateTextView songTotalDurationLabel;
// Media Player
private MediaPlayer mp;
// Handler to update UI timer, progress bar etc,.
privateHandler mHandler =newHandler();;
privateSongsManager songManager;
privateUtilities utils;
privateintseekForwardTime =5000;// 5000 milliseconds
privateintseekBackwardTime =5000;// 5000 milliseconds
privateintcurrentSongIndex =0;
privatebooleanisShuffle =false;
privatebooleanisRepeat =false;
privateArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> songsList =newArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
// All player buttons
btnPlay = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnPlay);
btnForward = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnForward);
btnBackward = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnBackward);
btnNext = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnNext);
btnPrevious = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnPrevious);
btnPlaylist = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnPlaylist);
btnRepeat = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnRepeat);
btnShuffle = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btnShuffle);
songProgressBar = (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.songProgressBar);
songTitleLabel = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.songTitle);
songCurrentDurationLabel = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.songCurrentDurationLabel);
songTotalDurationLabel = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.songTotalDurationLabel);
// Mediaplayer
mp =newMediaPlayer();
songManager =newSongsManager();
utils =newUtilities();
// Listeners
songProgressBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);// Important
mp.setOnCompletionListener(this);// Important
// Getting all songs list
songsList = songManager.getPlayList();
为playlist button写单击事件侦听器,在点击播放按钮时我们需要加载PlayListAcitivity.java ,从列表中选择一个特定的歌曲上我们需要得到songIndex。
/** * Button Click event for Play list click event * Launches list activity which displays list of songs * */ btnPlaylist.setOnClickListener(newView.OnClickListener() { @Override publicvoidonClick(View arg0) { Intent i =newIntent(getApplicationContext(), PlayListActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i,100); } }); |
/** * Receiving song index from playlist view * and play the song * */ @Override protectedvoidonActivityResult(intrequestCode, intresultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if(resultCode == 100){ currentSongIndex = data.getExtras().getInt("songIndex"); // play selected song playSong(currentSongIndex); } } |
2.Playing Song(播放歌曲)
添加以下功能添加到你的类,这个函数接受songIndex作为参数并播放。当开始播放一首歌切换播放按钮暂停按钮状态。/** * Function to play a song * @param songIndex - index of song * */ publicvoid playSong(intsongIndex){ // Play song try{ mp.reset(); mp.setDataSource(songsList.get(songIndex).get("songPath")); mp.prepare(); mp.start(); // Displaying Song title String songTitle = songsList.get(songIndex).get("songTitle"); songTitleLabel.setText(songTitle); // Changing Button Image to pause image btnPlay.setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_pause); // set Progress bar values songProgressBar.setProgress(0); songProgressBar.setMax(100); // Updating progress bar updateProgressBar(); }catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }catch(IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } |
3.Forward / Backward button click events(向前向后事件监听)
添加按钮事件侦听器,歌指定秒前和向后 1.前进按钮单击事件-移动歌曲以指定数量的秒向前,
/** * Forward button click event * Forwards song specified seconds * */ btnForward.setOnClickListener(newView.OnClickListener() { @Override publicvoidonClick(View arg0) { // get current song position intcurrentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); // check if seekForward time is lesser than song duration if(currentPosition + seekForwardTime <= mp.getDuration()){ // forward song mp.seekTo(currentPosition + seekForwardTime); }else{ // forward to end position mp.seekTo(mp.getDuration()); } } }); |
/** * Backward button click event * Backward song to specified seconds * */ btnBackward.setOnClickListener(newView.OnClickListener() { @Override publicvoidonClick(View arg0) { // get current song position intcurrentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); // check if seekBackward time is greater than 0 sec if(currentPosition - seekBackwardTime >= 0){ // forward song mp.seekTo(currentPosition - seekBackwardTime); }else{ // backward to starting position mp.seekTo(0); } } }); |
4.Next / Back button click events(上一首下一首事件监听)
点击添加按钮侦听器的下一个和上一个。 1.Next按钮单击事件-从播放列表播放下一首歌曲(不是最后一首)
/** * Next button click event * Plays next song by taking currentSongIndex + 1 * */ btnNext.setOnClickListener(newView.OnClickListener() { @Override publicvoidonClick(View arg0) { // check if next song is there or not if(currentSongIndex < (songsList.size() - 1)){ playSong(currentSongIndex +1); currentSongIndex = currentSongIndex +1; }else{ // play first song playSong(0); currentSongIndex =0; } } }); |
/** * Back button click event * Plays previous song by currentSongIndex - 1 * */ btnPrevious.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { if (currentSongIndex > 0 ){ playSong(currentSongIndex - 1 ); currentSongIndex = currentSongIndex - 1 ; } else { // play last song playSong(songsList.size() - 1 ); currentSongIndex = songsList.size() - 1 ; } } }); 5.更新SeekBar的进度和时间 要更新进度条计时器,我实现了在后台运行一个后台线程,使用一个Handler
6.Repeat button click event(事件监听)在单击按钮重复isRepeat我们需要设置为true,反之亦然。我们也需要改变图像源重复按钮来集中状态
7.Shuffle button click event(事件监听)“洗牌”按钮上,我们需要设置isShuffle为true,反之亦然。此外,我们需要改变图像源洗牌按钮集中状态。
8.继承 song onCompletion Listener接口 实现这个监听器很重要,当歌曲播放完毕后他会通知你,在这个方法中,我们需要自动播放下一首歌曲根据重复和shuffle条件。 AndroidBuildingMusicPlayerActivity.java