当前位置: 代码迷 >> Android >> Android之Box2D学习(1)——HelloWorld


热度:61   发布时间:2016-05-01 14:50:27.0






      Ⅱ)Box2D世界中的单位都是标准单位,秒、米、千克 etc. 需要按照比例缩放,不然速度很慢(代码中有转换);




坐标系                                  效果图


public class Hello_Box2d extends Activity {	private World mWorld;	private Handler mHandler;	private View mView;	private int screenH, screenW;	private final float WORLD2PHONE_RATE = 5;	private Runnable mRunnable = new Runnable() {		@Override		public void run() {			mWorld.step(0.1f, 3, 3);//			mView.invalidate();			mHandler.postDelayed(this, 100);		}	};	/** Called when the activity is first created. */	@Override	public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {		super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);		this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); //remove title		getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN,		WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);// full screen		//get the window width and height		DisplayMetrics metric = new DisplayMetrics();		getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metric);		screenH = metric.heightPixels;		screenW = metric.widthPixels;		//create view		mView = new helloBox2dView(this);		mView.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE);		setContentView(mView);	}	@Override	protected void onDestroy() {		super.onDestroy();		mHandler.removeCallbacks(mRunnable);	}	class helloBox2dView extends View {		private Canvas mCanvas;		private Body mBody;		public helloBox2dView(Context context) {			super(context);			/** Creating a World */			{				Vec2 gravity = new Vec2(0f, 9.8f);// vector, the gravity direction, left and right, up and down				mWorld = new World(gravity, false);			}			/** Creating a Ground Box */			{			// Bodies are built using the following steps:				// Step 1. Define a body with position, damping, etc.				BodyDef groundBodyDef = new BodyDef();				groundBodyDef.position.set(0f, (screenH-screenW*3/4)/WORLD2PHONE_RATE);				groundBodyDef.angle = (float) Math.asin(0.6);				// Step 2. Use the world object to create the body.				Body groundBody = mWorld.createBody(groundBodyDef);				// Step 3. Define fixtures with a shape, friction, density, etc.				PolygonShape groundBox = new PolygonShape();				groundBox.setAsBox(screenW*5/4/WORLD2PHONE_RATE, 1f/WORLD2PHONE_RATE);				// Step 4. Create fixtures on the body.				groundBody.createFixture(groundBox, 0.0f);								//border				BodyDef groundBodyDef2 = new BodyDef();				groundBodyDef2.position.set(screenW/WORLD2PHONE_RATE, 0f);				groundBodyDef2.angle = (float) (0.5f*Math.PI);				Body groundBody2 = mWorld.createBody(groundBodyDef2);				PolygonShape groundBox2 = new PolygonShape();				groundBox2.setAsBox(screenH/WORLD2PHONE_RATE, 1f/WORLD2PHONE_RATE);				groundBody2.createFixture(groundBox2, 0.0f);			}			/** Creating a Dynamic Body */			{				BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();				bodyDef.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;				bodyDef.position.set(100f/WORLD2PHONE_RATE, 0f);				mBody = mWorld.createBody(bodyDef);								CircleShape dynamicBox = new CircleShape();				dynamicBox.m_radius = 10/WORLD2PHONE_RATE;								FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();				fixtureDef.shape = dynamicBox;				fixtureDef.density = 500f;				fixtureDef.friction = 0.5f;				fixtureDef.restitution = 0.8f;								mBody.createFixture(fixtureDef);			}			mHandler = new Handler();			mHandler.post(mRunnable);		}		@Override		protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {			super.onDraw(canvas);			mCanvas = canvas;			//draw ground			drawGround();			//draw box			Vec2 position = mBody.getPosition();			float angle = mBody.getAngle();			drawBox(position.x*WORLD2PHONE_RATE, position.y*WORLD2PHONE_RATE, angle);		}		public void drawBox(float x, float y, float angle){			Paint paint = new Paint();			paint.setAntiAlias(true);			paint.setColor(Color.RED);			mCanvas.drawCircle(x, y, 10, paint);			mCanvas.drawLine(x, y, (float)(x+10*Math.cos(angle)), (float)(y+10*Math.sin(angle)), new Paint());		}		public void drawGround(){			Paint paint = new Paint();			paint.setColor(Color.BLUE);			paint.setStrokeWidth(10);			mCanvas.drawLine(0, screenH-screenW*3/4, screenW, screenH, paint);			mCanvas.drawLine(screenW, 0, screenW, screenH, paint);		}	}}
