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android 2.1 获取手机流量工具种

热度:97   发布时间:2016-05-01 14:26:08.0
android 2.1 获取手机流量工具类

/** *  */package com.born.test.dev.util;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.FileReader;import java.io.IOException;/** *  * @author 许力多 *  */public class MTrafficStats {	private static final String TAG = "MTrafficStats";	public final static String DEV_FILE = "/proc/self/net/dev";// 系统流量文件	public final static String ETHLINE = "eth0";// eth是以太网信息	public final static String GPRSLINE = "rmnet0"; // rmnet0 是 GPRS	public final static String WIFILINE = "tiwlan0"; // tiwlan0 是 Wifi	private static String[][] traffic = { { "0", "0" }, { "0", "0" } };// [0][*]GPRS	// [1][*]wifi	// [*][0]Receive	// [*][1]Transmit	private static File srcfile;	// private static RandomAccessFile file;	// private long mobileRxBytes = 0;	// private long mobileTxBytes = 0;	/***	 * The return value to indicate that the device does not support the	 * statistic.	 */	public final static int UNSUPPORTED = -1;	/**	 * 设置 流量	 * 	 * @param type	 *            0、GPRS 1、wifi	 */	private static void setTraffic(int type, String rx, String tx) {		if (type > 1) {			return;		}		traffic[type][0] = rx;		traffic[type][1] = tx;	}	/**	 * 设置流量对象, 换成nio效率要高点,不过这个文件非常小,读取只有0.x毫秒	 */	private synchronized static void setTraffic() {		if (srcfile == null) {			srcfile = new File(DEV_FILE);		}		FileReader fstream = null;		BufferedReader in = null;		try {			fstream = new FileReader(srcfile);			in = new BufferedReader(fstream, 128);			String line;			String[] segs;			while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {				segs = line.trim().split(":");				if (line.startsWith(GPRSLINE)) {					String temp[] = segs[1].trim().split("\\t+|\\s+");					if (temp.length > 8) {						setTraffic(0, temp[0], temp[8]);					}				} else if (line.startsWith(WIFILINE)) {					String temp[] = segs[1].trim().split("\\t+|\\s+");					if (temp.length > 8) {						setTraffic(1, temp[0], temp[8]);					}				}			}		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {			MLog.e(TAG, "getMobileTxBytes", e);		} catch (IOException e) {			MLog.e(TAG, "getMobileTxBytes", e);		} finally {			if (fstream != null) {				try {					fstream.close();				} catch (IOException e) {				}			}			if (in != null) {				try {					in.close();				} catch (IOException e) {				}			}		}	}	/**	 * 未实现	 * 	 * @return	 */	public static long getMobileTxPackets() {		return UNSUPPORTED;	}	/**	 * 未实现	 * 	 * @return	 */	public static long getMobileRxPackets() {		return UNSUPPORTED;	}	/**	 * 获得及时上传流量(mobile) rmnet0 's Transmit	 * 	 * @return	 */	public static long getMobileTxBytes() {		setTraffic();		try {			return Long.parseLong(traffic[0][1]);		} catch (Exception e) {			MLog.e(TAG, "error-->" + traffic[0][1]);			MLog.e(TAG, "Exception", e);			return UNSUPPORTED;		}	}	/**	 * 获得及时下载流量(mobile) rmnet0 's Receive	 * 	 * @return	 */	public static long getMobileRxBytes() {		setTraffic();		try {			return Long.parseLong(traffic[0][0]);		} catch (Exception e) {			MLog.e(TAG, "error-->" + traffic[0][0]);			MLog.e(TAG, "Exception", e);			return UNSUPPORTED;		}	}	/**	 * 未实现	 * 	 * @return -1	 */	public static long getTotalTxPackets() {		return UNSUPPORTED;	}	/**	 * 未实现	 * 	 * @return -1	 */	public static long getTotalRxPackets() {		return UNSUPPORTED;	}	/**	 * 获得总的上传流量(mobile + wifi) rmnet0 & Transmit 's Transmit	 * 	 * @return	 */	public static long getTotalTxBytes() {		setTraffic();		try {			return Long.parseLong(traffic[0][1])					+ Long.parseLong(traffic[1][1]);		} catch (Exception e) {			MLog.e(TAG, "error-->" + traffic[0][1] + ":" + traffic[1][1]);			MLog.e(TAG, "Exception", e);			return UNSUPPORTED;		}	}	/**	 * 获得总的下载流量(mobile + wifi) rmnet0 & Transmit 's Receive	 * 	 * @return	 */	public static long getTotalRxBytes() {		setTraffic();		try {			return Long.parseLong(traffic[0][0])					+ Long.parseLong(traffic[1][0]);		} catch (Exception e) {			MLog.e(TAG, "error-->" + traffic[0][1] + ":" + traffic[1][0]);			MLog.e(TAG, "Exception", e);			return UNSUPPORTED;		}	}	/**	 * 未实现	 * 	 * @param uid	 * @return	 */	public static long getUidTxBytes(int uid) {		return UNSUPPORTED;	}	/**	 * 未实现	 * 	 * @param uid	 * @return	 */	public static long getUidRxBytes(int uid) {		return UNSUPPORTED;	}}
