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Android 移动终端camera 防窃*拍设置

热度:66   发布时间:2016-05-01 13:23:14.0
Android 移动终端camera 防偷*拍设置


?? android 4.0.3声音分类


typedef enum {    AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT          = -1,    AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL       = 0,    AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM           = 1,    AUDIO_STREAM_RING             = 2,    AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC            = 3,    AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM            = 4,    AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION     = 5,    AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO    = 6,    AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE = 7, /* Sounds that cannot be muted byuser and must be routed to speaker */    AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF             = 8,    AUDIO_STREAM_TTS              = 9,        AUDIO_STREAM_FM               = 10,    AUDIO_STREAM_MATV             = 11,    AUDIO_STREAM_BOOT             = 12, //only used for bootanimationand output from speaker and headset    AUDIO_STREAM_CNT,    AUDIO_STREAM_MAX              = AUDIO_STREAM_CNT - 1,} audio_stream_type_t;


?? 修改后的方法如下:


void cameraService::playSound(sound_kind kind) {    LOG1("playSound(%d)", kind);    Mutex::Autolock lock(mSoundLock);    sp<MediaPlayer> player = mSoundPlayer[kind];    if (player != 0) {        // do not play the sound if stream volume is 0        // (typically because ringer mode is silent).        int index;        AudioSystem::getStreamVolumeIndex(AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE, &index);        if (index != 0) {              AudioSystem::setStreamVolumeIndex(AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE,index);            player->seekTo(0);            player->start();        } else {                AudioSystem::setStreamVolumeIndex(AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE,7);                        player->seekTo(0);                        player->start();                        usleep(300000);                        AudioSystem::setStreamVolumeIndex(AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE,0);        }    }} 