Unless you have created the Application.mk or defined your application as debuggable inside the AndroidManifest.xml you don't have to do anything because by default the application's modules are compiled in release mode by the ndk-build script.
Otherwise, you can use the APP_OPTIM directive inside the Application.mk file:
APP_OPTIM := releaseAPP_PLATFORM := android-14APP_STL := gnustl_staticAPP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a
From android-ndk-r8d/docs/APPLICATION-MK.html file:
APP_OPTIM This optional variable can be defined to either 'release'or'debug'.Thisis used to alter the optimization level when building your application's modules. A 'release' mode is the default, and will generate highly optimized binaries. The 'debug' mode will generate un-optimized binaries which are much easier to debug. Note that if your application is debuggable (i.e. if your manifest sets the android:debuggable attribute to "true" in its <application> tag), the default will be 'debug' instead of 'release'. This can be overridden by setting APP_OPTIM to 'release'. Note that it is possible to debug both 'release' and 'debug' binaries, but the 'release' builds tend to provide less information during debugging sessions: some variables are optimized out and can't be inspected, code re-ordering can make stepping through the code difficult, stack traces may not be reliable, etc...