当前位置: 代码迷 >> Android >> Android4.0(Phone)拨号起步过程分析(二)


热度:82   发布时间:2016-04-28 04:31:47.0


@Override	protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {		Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onCreate()...  this = " + this);		Profiler.callScreenOnCreate();		super.onCreate(icicle);		// Make sure this is a voice-capable device.		if (!PhoneApp.sVoiceCapable) {			// There should be no way to ever reach the InCallScreen on a			// non-voice-capable device, since this activity is not exported by			// our manifest, and we explicitly disable any other external APIs			// like the CALL intent and ITelephony.showCallScreen().			// So the fact that we got here indicates a phone app bug.			Log.wtf(LOG_TAG, "onCreate() reached on non-voice-capable device");			finish();			return;		}		// 获取PhoneApp实例		mApp = PhoneApp.getInstance();		// 设置通话界面		mApp.setInCallScreenInstance(this);		// 添加这个标记可以让Activity显示在锁屏的上方		int flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED;		if (mApp.getPhoneState() == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) {			// While we are in call, the in-call screen should dismiss the			// keyguard.			// This allows the user to press Home to go directly home without			// going through			// an insecure lock screen.			// But we do not want to do this if there is no active call so we do			// not			// bypass the keyguard if the call is not answered or declined.			// 解除锁屏。只有锁屏界面不是加密的才能解锁。如果锁屏界面是加密的,那么用户解锁之后才能看到此窗口,除非设置了FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED选项。			flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD;		}		getWindow().addFlags(flags);		// Also put the system bar (if present on this device) into		// "lights out" mode any time we're the foreground activity.		WindowManager.LayoutParams params = getWindow().getAttributes();		params.systemUiVisibility = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE;		getWindow().setAttributes(params);		setPhone(mApp.phone); // Sets mPhone		mCM = mApp.mCM;		log("- onCreate: phone state = " + mCM.getState());		mBluetoothHandsfree = mApp.getBluetoothHandsfree();		if (VDBG)			log("- mBluetoothHandsfree: " + mBluetoothHandsfree);		if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) {			// The PhoneApp only creates a BluetoothHandsfree instance in the			// first place if BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter()			// succeeds. So at this point we know the device is BT-capable.			mAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();			mAdapter.getProfileProxy(getApplicationContext(),					mBluetoothProfileServiceListener, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);		}		requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);		// Inflate everything in incall_screen.xml and add it to the screen.		setContentView(R.layout.incall_screen);		// 初始化CallCard以及InCallTouchUi等截面		initInCallScreen();		// 注册关于Phone状态改变的监听事件,这也就是为什么Phone状态改变之后InCallScreen能够收到变化消息的原因,这一点我们在来电流程中也有提及;		registerForPhoneStates();		// No need to change wake state here; that happens in onResume() when we		// are actually displayed.		// Handle the Intent we were launched with, but only if this is the		// the very first time we're being launched (ie. NOT if we're being		// re-initialized after previously being shut down.)		// Once we're up and running, any future Intents we need		// to handle will come in via the onNewIntent() method.		if (icicle == null) {			if (DBG)				log("onCreate(): this is our very first launch, checking intent...");			// 该方法用于处理InCallScreen收到的Intent信息			internalResolveIntent(getIntent());		}		Profiler.callScreenCreated();		if (DBG)			log("onCreate(): exit");	}
private void initInCallScreen() {		if (VDBG)			log("initInCallScreen()...");		// Have the WindowManager filter out touch events that are "too fat".		getWindow().addFlags(				WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_IGNORE_CHEEK_PRESSES);		mInCallPanel = (ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.inCallPanel);		// Initialize the CallCard.		mCallCard = (CallCard) findViewById(R.id.callCard);		if (VDBG)			log("  - mCallCard = " + mCallCard);		mCallCard.setInCallScreenInstance(this);		//初始化界面的UI布局		initInCallTouchUi();		// 助手类跟踪enabledness / UI控件的状态		mInCallControlState = new InCallControlState(this, mCM);		//助手类运行“Manage conference”的用户界面		mManageConferenceUtils = new ManageConferenceUtils(this, mCM);		// The DTMF Dialpad.		// TODO: Don't inflate this until the first time it's needed.		ViewStub stub = (ViewStub) findViewById(R.id.dtmf_twelve_key_dialer_stub);		stub.inflate();		//DTMF拨号盘初始化  		mDialerView = (DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView) findViewById(R.id.dtmf_twelve_key_dialer_view);		if (DBG)			log("- Found dialerView: " + mDialerView);		// Sanity-check that (regardless of the device) at least the		// dialer view is present:		if (mDialerView == null) {			Log.e(LOG_TAG, "onCreate: couldn't find dialerView",					new IllegalStateException());		}		//创建DTMFTwelveKeyDialer实例		mDialer = new DTMFTwelveKeyDialer(this, mDialerView);	}
private void registerForPhoneStates() {		if (!mRegisteredForPhoneStates) {			mCM.registerForPreciseCallStateChanged(mHandler,					PHONE_STATE_CHANGED, null);			mCM.registerForDisconnect(mHandler, PHONE_DISCONNECT, null);			mCM.registerForMmiInitiate(mHandler, PhoneApp.MMI_INITIATE, null);			// register for the MMI complete message. Upon completion,			// PhoneUtils will bring up a system dialog instead of the			// message display class in PhoneUtils.displayMMIComplete().			// We'll listen for that message too, so that we can finish			// the activity at the same time.			mCM.registerForMmiComplete(mHandler, PhoneApp.MMI_COMPLETE, null);			mCM.registerForCallWaiting(mHandler, PHONE_CDMA_CALL_WAITING, null);			mCM.registerForPostDialCharacter(mHandler, POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS, null);			mCM.registerForSuppServiceFailed(mHandler, SUPP_SERVICE_FAILED,					null);			mCM.registerForIncomingRing(mHandler, PHONE_INCOMING_RING, null);			mCM.registerForNewRingingConnection(mHandler,					PHONE_NEW_RINGING_CONNECTION, null);			mRegisteredForPhoneStates = true;		}	}
private void internalResolveIntent(Intent intent) {		if (intent == null || intent.getAction() == null) {			return;		}		String action = intent.getAction();		if (DBG)			log("internalResolveIntent: action=" + action);		// In gingerbread and earlier releases, the InCallScreen used to		// directly handle certain intent actions that could initiate phone		// calls, namely ACTION_CALL and ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY, and also		// OtaUtils.ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING.		//		// But it doesn't make sense to tie those actions to the InCallScreen		// (or especially to the *activity lifecycle* of the InCallScreen).		// Instead, the InCallScreen should only be concerned with running the		// onscreen UI while in a call. So we've now offloaded the call-control		// functionality to a new module called CallController, and OTASP calls		// are now launched from the OtaUtils startInteractiveOtasp() or		// startNonInteractiveOtasp() methods.		//		// So now, the InCallScreen is only ever launched using the ACTION_MAIN		// action, and (upon launch) performs no functionality other than		// displaying the UI in a state that matches the current telephony		// state.		if (action.equals(intent.ACTION_MAIN)) {			// This action is the normal way to bring up the in-call UI.			//			// Most of the interesting work of updating the onscreen UI (to			// match the current telephony state) happens in the			// syncWithPhoneState() => updateScreen() sequence that happens in			// onResume().			//			// But we do check here for one extra that can come along with the			// ACTION_MAIN intent:			if (intent.hasExtra(SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA)) {				// SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA can be used here to specify whether the				// DTMF				// dialpad should be initially visible. If the extra isn't				// present at all, we just leave the dialpad in its previous				// state.				boolean showDialpad = intent.getBooleanExtra(						SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA, false);				if (VDBG)					log("- internalResolveIntent: SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA: "							+ showDialpad);				// If SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA is specified, that overrides whatever				// the previous state of inCallUiState.showDialpad was.				mApp.inCallUiState.showDialpad = showDialpad;			}			// ...and in onResume() we'll update the onscreen dialpad state to			// match the InCallUiState.			return;		}		if (action.equals(OtaUtils.ACTION_DISPLAY_ACTIVATION_SCREEN)) {			// Bring up the in-call UI in the OTASP-specific "activate" state;			// see OtaUtils.startInteractiveOtasp(). Note that at this point			// the OTASP call has not been started yet; we won't actually make			// the call until the user presses the "Activate" button.			if (!TelephonyCapabilities.supportsOtasp(mPhone)) {				throw new IllegalStateException(						"Received ACTION_DISPLAY_ACTIVATION_SCREEN intent on non-OTASP-capable device: "								+ intent);			}			setInCallScreenMode(InCallScreenMode.OTA_NORMAL);			if ((mApp.cdmaOtaProvisionData != null)					&& (!mApp.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallIntentProcessed)) {				mApp.cdmaOtaProvisionData.isOtaCallIntentProcessed = true;				mApp.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState = CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_ACTIVATION;			}			return;		}		// Various intent actions that should no longer come here directly:		if (action.equals(OtaUtils.ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING)) {			// This intent is now handled by the InCallScreenShowActivation			// activity, which translates it into a call to			// OtaUtils.startInteractiveOtasp().			throw new IllegalStateException(					"Unexpected ACTION_PERFORM_CDMA_PROVISIONING received by InCallScreen: "							+ intent);		} else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL)				|| action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY)) {			// ACTION_CALL* intents go to the OutgoingCallBroadcaster, which now			// translates them into CallController.placeCall() calls rather than			// launching the InCallScreen directly.			throw new IllegalStateException(					"Unexpected CALL action received by InCallScreen: "							+ intent);		} else if (action.equals(ACTION_UNDEFINED)) {			// This action is only used for internal bookkeeping; we should			// never actually get launched with it.			Log.wtf(LOG_TAG,					"internalResolveIntent: got launched with ACTION_UNDEFINED");			return;		} else {			Log.wtf(LOG_TAG,					"internalResolveIntent: unexpected intent action: "							+ action);			// But continue the best we can (basically treating this case			// like ACTION_MAIN...)			return;		}	}
// Create the CallNotifer singleton, which handles			// asynchronous events from the telephony layer (like			// launching the incoming-call UI when an incoming call comes			// in.)			notifier = CallNotifier.init(this, phone, ringer, mBtHandsfree,					new CallLogAsync());
/**     * Initialize the singleton CallNotifier instance.     * This is only done once, at startup, from PhoneApp.onCreate().     */    /* package */ static CallNotifier init(PhoneApp app, Phone phone, Ringer ringer,                                           BluetoothHandsfree btMgr, CallLogAsync callLog) {        synchronized (CallNotifier.class) {            if (sInstance == null) {                sInstance = new CallNotifier(app, phone, ringer, btMgr, callLog);            } else {                Log.wtf(LOG_TAG, "init() called multiple times!  sInstance = " + sInstance);            }            return sInstance;        }    }

/** Private constructor; @see init() */    private CallNotifier(PhoneApp app, Phone phone, Ringer ringer,                         BluetoothHandsfree btMgr, CallLogAsync callLog) {        mApplication = app;        mCM = app.mCM;        mCallLog = callLog;        mAudioManager = (AudioManager) mApplication.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);        //跟CallManager注册通知,跟Framework通訊        registerForNotifications();        // Instantiate the ToneGenerator for SignalInfo and CallWaiting        // TODO: We probably don't need the mSignalInfoToneGenerator instance        // around forever. Need to change it so as to create a ToneGenerator instance only        // when a tone is being played and releases it after its done playing.        try {            mSignalInfoToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL,                    TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_SIGNALINFO);        } catch (RuntimeException e) {            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "CallNotifier: Exception caught while creating " +                    "mSignalInfoToneGenerator: " + e);            mSignalInfoToneGenerator = null;        }        mRinger = ringer;        mBluetoothHandsfree = btMgr;        TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)app.getSystemService(                Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);        telephonyManager.listen(mPhoneStateListener,                PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_MESSAGE_WAITING_INDICATOR                | PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_FORWARDING_INDICATOR);    }

private void registerForNotifications() {        mCM.registerForNewRingingConnection(this, PHONE_NEW_RINGING_CONNECTION, null);        mCM.registerForPreciseCallStateChanged(this, PHONE_STATE_CHANGED, null);        mCM.registerForDisconnect(this, PHONE_DISCONNECT, null);        mCM.registerForUnknownConnection(this, PHONE_UNKNOWN_CONNECTION_APPEARED, null);        mCM.registerForIncomingRing(this, PHONE_INCOMING_RING, null);        mCM.registerForCdmaOtaStatusChange(this, EVENT_OTA_PROVISION_CHANGE, null);        mCM.registerForCallWaiting(this, PHONE_CDMA_CALL_WAITING, null);        mCM.registerForDisplayInfo(this, PHONE_STATE_DISPLAYINFO, null);        mCM.registerForSignalInfo(this, PHONE_STATE_SIGNALINFO, null);        mCM.registerForInCallVoicePrivacyOn(this, PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_ON, null);        mCM.registerForInCallVoicePrivacyOff(this, PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_OFF, null);        mCM.registerForRingbackTone(this, PHONE_RINGBACK_TONE, null);        mCM.registerForResendIncallMute(this, PHONE_RESEND_MUTE, null);    }

@Override    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {        switch (msg.what) {            case PHONE_NEW_RINGING_CONNECTION:                log("RINGING... (new)");                onNewRingingConnection((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                mSilentRingerRequested = false;                break;            case PHONE_INCOMING_RING:                // repeat the ring when requested by the RIL, and when the user has NOT                // specifically requested silence.                if (msg.obj != null && ((AsyncResult) msg.obj).result != null) {                    PhoneBase pb =  (PhoneBase)((AsyncResult)msg.obj).result;                    if ((pb.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING)                            && (mSilentRingerRequested == false)) {                        if (DBG) log("RINGING... (PHONE_INCOMING_RING event)");                        mRinger.ring();                    } else {                        if (DBG) log("RING before NEW_RING, skipping");                    }                }                break;            case PHONE_STATE_CHANGED:                onPhoneStateChanged((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;            case PHONE_DISCONNECT:                if (DBG) log("DISCONNECT");                onDisconnect((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;            case PHONE_UNKNOWN_CONNECTION_APPEARED:                onUnknownConnectionAppeared((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;            case RINGER_CUSTOM_RINGTONE_QUERY_TIMEOUT:                // CallerInfo query is taking too long!  But we can't wait                // any more, so start ringing NOW even if it means we won't                // use the correct custom ringtone.                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "CallerInfo query took too long; manually starting ringer");                // In this case we call onCustomRingQueryComplete(), just                // like if the query had completed normally.  (But we're                // going to get the default ringtone, since we never got                // the chance to call Ringer.setCustomRingtoneUri()).                onCustomRingQueryComplete();                break;            case PHONE_MWI_CHANGED:                onMwiChanged(mApplication.phone.getMessageWaitingIndicator());                break;            case PHONE_BATTERY_LOW:                onBatteryLow();                break;            case PHONE_CDMA_CALL_WAITING:                if (DBG) log("Received PHONE_CDMA_CALL_WAITING event");                onCdmaCallWaiting((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;            case CDMA_CALL_WAITING_REJECT:                Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Received CDMA_CALL_WAITING_REJECT event");                onCdmaCallWaitingReject();                break;            case CALLWAITING_CALLERINFO_DISPLAY_DONE:                Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Received CALLWAITING_CALLERINFO_DISPLAY_DONE event");                mCallWaitingTimeOut = true;                onCdmaCallWaitingReject();                break;            case CALLWAITING_ADDCALL_DISABLE_TIMEOUT:                if (DBG) log("Received CALLWAITING_ADDCALL_DISABLE_TIMEOUT event ...");                // Set the mAddCallMenuStateAfterCW state to true                mApplication.cdmaPhoneCallState.setAddCallMenuStateAfterCallWaiting(true);                mApplication.updateInCallScreen();                break;            case PHONE_STATE_DISPLAYINFO:                if (DBG) log("Received PHONE_STATE_DISPLAYINFO event");                onDisplayInfo((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;            case PHONE_STATE_SIGNALINFO:                if (DBG) log("Received PHONE_STATE_SIGNALINFO event");                onSignalInfo((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;            case DISPLAYINFO_NOTIFICATION_DONE:                if (DBG) log("Received Display Info notification done event ...");                CdmaDisplayInfo.dismissDisplayInfoRecord();                break;            case EVENT_OTA_PROVISION_CHANGE:                if (DBG) log("EVENT_OTA_PROVISION_CHANGE...");                mApplication.handleOtaspEvent(msg);                break;            case PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_ON:                if (DBG) log("PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_ON...");                if (!mVoicePrivacyState) {                    int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_VOICE_PRIVACY;                    new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start();                    mVoicePrivacyState = true;                    // Update the VP icon:                    if (DBG) log("- updating notification for VP state...");                    mApplication.notificationMgr.updateInCallNotification();                }                break;            case PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_OFF:                if (DBG) log("PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_OFF...");                if (mVoicePrivacyState) {                    int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_VOICE_PRIVACY;                    new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start();                    mVoicePrivacyState = false;                    // Update the VP icon:                    if (DBG) log("- updating notification for VP state...");                    mApplication.notificationMgr.updateInCallNotification();                }                break;            case PHONE_RINGBACK_TONE:                onRingbackTone((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;            case PHONE_RESEND_MUTE:                onResendMute();                break;            case UPDATE_IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION:                mApplication.notificationMgr.updateInCallNotification();                break;            default:                // super.handleMessage(msg);        }    }
case PHONE_STATE_CHANGED:                onPhoneStateChanged((AsyncResult) msg.obj);                break;

/**     * Updates the phone UI in response to phone state changes.     *     * Watch out: certain state changes are actually handled by their own     * specific methods:     *   - see onNewRingingConnection() for new incoming calls     *   - see onDisconnect() for calls being hung up or disconnected     */    private void onPhoneStateChanged(AsyncResult r) {        Phone.State state = mCM.getState();        if (VDBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: state = " + state);        // Turn status bar notifications on or off depending upon the state        // of the phone.  Notification Alerts (audible or vibrating) should        // be on if and only if the phone is IDLE.        mApplication.notificationMgr.statusBarHelper                .enableNotificationAlerts(state == Phone.State.IDLE);        Phone fgPhone = mCM.getFgPhone();        if (fgPhone.getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) {            if ((fgPhone.getForegroundCall().getState() == Call.State.ACTIVE)                    && ((mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.DIALING)                    ||  (mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.ALERTING))) {                if (mIsCdmaRedialCall) {                    int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_REDIAL;                    new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start();                }                // Stop any signal info tone when call moves to ACTIVE state                stopSignalInfoTone();            }            mPreviousCdmaCallState = fgPhone.getForegroundCall().getState();        }        // Have the PhoneApp recompute its mShowBluetoothIndication        // flag based on the (new) telephony state.        // There's no need to force a UI update since we update the        // in-call notification ourselves (below), and the InCallScreen        // listens for phone state changes itself.        mApplication.updateBluetoothIndication(false);        // Update the proximity sensor mode (on devices that have a        // proximity sensor).        mApplication.updatePhoneState(state);        if (state == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) {            // stop call waiting tone if needed when answering            if (mCallWaitingTonePlayer != null) {                mCallWaitingTonePlayer.stopTone();                mCallWaitingTonePlayer = null;            }            if (VDBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: OFF HOOK");            // make sure audio is in in-call mode now            PhoneUtils.setAudioMode(mCM);            // if the call screen is showing, let it handle the event,            // otherwise handle it here.            if (!mApplication.isShowingCallScreen()) {                mApplication.setScreenTimeout(PhoneApp.ScreenTimeoutDuration.DEFAULT);                mApplication.requestWakeState(PhoneApp.WakeState.SLEEP);            }            // Since we're now in-call, the Ringer should definitely *not*            // be ringing any more.  (This is just a sanity-check; we            // already stopped the ringer explicitly back in            // PhoneUtils.answerCall(), before the call to phone.acceptCall().)            // TODO: Confirm that this call really *is* unnecessary, and if so,            // remove it!            if (DBG) log("stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)");            mRinger.stopRing();            // Post a request to update the "in-call" status bar icon.            //            // We don't call NotificationMgr.updateInCallNotification()            // directly here, for two reasons:            // (1) a single phone state change might actually trigger multiple            //   onPhoneStateChanged() callbacks, so this prevents redundant            //   updates of the notification.            // (2) we suppress the status bar icon while the in-call UI is            //   visible (see updateInCallNotification()).  But when launching            //   an outgoing call the phone actually goes OFFHOOK slightly            //   *before* the InCallScreen comes up, so the delay here avoids a            //   brief flicker of the icon at that point.            if (DBG) log("- posting UPDATE_IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION request...");            // Remove any previous requests in the queue            removeMessages(UPDATE_IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION);            final int IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_DELAY = 1000;  // msec            sendEmptyMessageDelayed(UPDATE_IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION,                                    IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_DELAY);        }        if (fgPhone.getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) {            Connection c = fgPhone.getForegroundCall().getLatestConnection();            if ((c != null) && (PhoneNumberUtils.isLocalEmergencyNumber(c.getAddress(),                                                                        mApplication))) {                if (VDBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: it is an emergency call.");                Call.State callState = fgPhone.getForegroundCall().getState();                if (mEmergencyTonePlayerVibrator == null) {                    mEmergencyTonePlayerVibrator = new EmergencyTonePlayerVibrator();                }                if (callState == Call.State.DIALING || callState == Call.State.ALERTING) {                    mIsEmergencyToneOn = Settings.System.getInt(                            mApplication.getContentResolver(),                            Settings.System.EMERGENCY_TONE, EMERGENCY_TONE_OFF);                    if (mIsEmergencyToneOn != EMERGENCY_TONE_OFF &&                        mCurrentEmergencyToneState == EMERGENCY_TONE_OFF) {                        if (mEmergencyTonePlayerVibrator != null) {                            mEmergencyTonePlayerVibrator.start();                        }                    }                } else if (callState == Call.State.ACTIVE) {                    if (mCurrentEmergencyToneState != EMERGENCY_TONE_OFF) {                        if (mEmergencyTonePlayerVibrator != null) {                            mEmergencyTonePlayerVibrator.stop();                        }                    }                }            }        }        if ((fgPhone.getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_GSM)                || (fgPhone.getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_SIP)) {            Call.State callState = mCM.getActiveFgCallState();            if (!callState.isDialing()) {                // If call get activated or disconnected before the ringback                // tone stops, we have to stop it to prevent disturbing.                if (mInCallRingbackTonePlayer != null) {                    mInCallRingbackTonePlayer.stopTone();                    mInCallRingbackTonePlayer = null;                }            }        }    }                    
Phone.State state = mCM.getState();

Phone.State.OFFHOOK    挂断

Phone.State.RINGING      正在来电铃声状态

Phone.State.IDLE               空间状态

if(Phone.State.OFFHOOK == state){    finish();}
