当前位置: 代码迷 >> Android >> Android开发之图片远道获取及本地缓存模块


热度:44   发布时间:2016-04-28 04:15:49.0


? ?项目地址:https://github.com/wuwei1215/ImageCache


package com.darkmoon.imagecache;import android.content.Context;import android.graphics.Bitmap;public class ImageCache {	private static ImageMemoryCache memoryCache;	private static ImageFileCache fileCache = new ImageFileCache();	public static Bitmap getBitmap(Context context, String url) {		memoryCache = new ImageMemoryCache(context);		// 从内存缓存中获取图片		Bitmap result = memoryCache.getBitmapFromCache(url);		if (result == null) {			// 文件缓存中获取			result = fileCache.getImage(url);			if (result == null) {				// 从网络获取				result = ImageGetFromHttp.downloadBitmap(url);				if (result != null) {					fileCache.saveBitmap(result, url);					memoryCache.addBitmapToCache(url, result);				}			} else {				// 添加到内存缓存				memoryCache.addBitmapToCache(url, result);			}		}		memoryCache = null;		return result;	}}


package com.darkmoon.imagecache;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Comparator;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;import android.os.Environment;import android.os.StatFs;import android.util.Log;public class ImageFileCache {	private static final String CACHDIR = "ImgCach";	private static final String WHOLESALE_CONV = ".cach";	private static final int MB = 1024 * 1024;	private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 10;	private static final int FREE_SD_SPACE_NEEDED_TO_CACHE = 10;	public ImageFileCache() {		// 清理文件缓存		removeCache(getDirectory());	}	/** 从缓存中获取图片 **/	public Bitmap getImage(final String url) {		final String path = getDirectory() + "/" + convertUrlToFileName(url);		File file = new File(path);		if (file.exists()) {			Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path);			if (bmp == null) {				file.delete();			} else {				updateFileTime(path);				return bmp;			}		}		return null;	}	/** 将图片存入文件缓存 **/	public void saveBitmap(Bitmap bm, String url) {		if (bm == null) {			return;		}		// 判断sdcard上的空间		if (FREE_SD_SPACE_NEEDED_TO_CACHE > freeSpaceOnSd()) {			// SD空间不足			return;		}		String filename = convertUrlToFileName(url);		String dir = getDirectory();		File dirFile = new File(dir);		if (!dirFile.exists())			dirFile.mkdirs();		File file = new File(dir + "/" + filename);		try {			file.createNewFile();			OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(file);			bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, outStream);			outStream.flush();			outStream.close();		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {			Log.w("ImageFileCache", "FileNotFoundException");		} catch (IOException e) {			Log.w("ImageFileCache", "IOException");		}	}	/**	 * 计算存储目录下的文件大小,	 * 当文件总大小大于规定的CACHE_SIZE或者sdcard剩余空间小于FREE_SD_SPACE_NEEDED_TO_CACHE的规定	 * 那么删除40%最近没有被使用的文件	 */	private boolean removeCache(String dirPath) {		File dir = new File(dirPath);		File[] files = dir.listFiles();		if (files == null) {			return true;		}		if (!android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(				android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {			return false;		}		int dirSize = 0;		for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {			if (files[i].getName().contains(WHOLESALE_CONV)) {				dirSize += files[i].length();			}		}		if (dirSize > CACHE_SIZE * MB				|| FREE_SD_SPACE_NEEDED_TO_CACHE > freeSpaceOnSd()) {			int removeFactor = (int) ((0.4 * files.length) + 1);			Arrays.sort(files, new FileLastModifSort());			for (int i = 0; i < removeFactor; i++) {				if (files[i].getName().contains(WHOLESALE_CONV)) {					files[i].delete();				}			}		}		if (freeSpaceOnSd() <= CACHE_SIZE) {			return false;		}		return true;	}	/** 修改文件的最后修改时间 **/	public void updateFileTime(String path) {		File file = new File(path);		long newModifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();		file.setLastModified(newModifiedTime);	}	/** 计算sdcard上的剩余空间 **/	private int freeSpaceOnSd() {		StatFs stat = new StatFs(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()				.getPath());		double sdFreeMB = ((double) stat.getAvailableBlocks() * (double) stat				.getBlockSize()) / MB;		return (int) sdFreeMB;	}	/** 将url转成文件名 **/	private String convertUrlToFileName(String url) {		String[] strs = url.split("/");		return strs[strs.length - 1] + WHOLESALE_CONV;	}	/** 获得缓存目录 **/	private String getDirectory() {		String dir = getSDPath() + "/" + CACHDIR;		return dir;	}	/** 取SD卡路径 **/	private String getSDPath() {		File sdDir = null;		boolean sdCardExist = Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(				android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED); // 判断sd卡是否存在		if (sdCardExist) {			sdDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); // 获取根目录		}		if (sdDir != null) {			return sdDir.toString();		} else {			return "";		}	}	/**	 * 根据文件的最后修改时间进行排序	 */	private class FileLastModifSort implements Comparator<File> {		public int compare(File arg0, File arg1) {			if (arg0.lastModified() > arg1.lastModified()) {				return 1;			} else if (arg0.lastModified() == arg1.lastModified()) {				return 0;			} else {				return -1;			}		}	}}


package com.darkmoon.imagecache;import java.io.FilterInputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;import android.util.Log;public class ImageGetFromHttp {	private static final String LOG_TAG = "ImageGetFromHttp";	public static Bitmap downloadBitmap(String url) {		final HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();		final HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(url);		try {			HttpResponse response = client.execute(getRequest);			final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();			if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {				Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error " + statusCode						+ " while retrieving bitmap from " + url);				return null;			}			final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();			if (entity != null) {				InputStream inputStream = null;				try {					inputStream = entity.getContent();					FilterInputStream fit = new FlushedInputStream(inputStream);					return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fit);				} finally {					if (inputStream != null) {						inputStream.close();						inputStream = null;					}					entity.consumeContent();				}			}		} catch (IOException e) {			getRequest.abort();			Log.w(LOG_TAG, "I/O error while retrieving bitmap from " + url, e);		} catch (IllegalStateException e) {			getRequest.abort();			Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Incorrect URL: " + url);		} catch (Exception e) {			getRequest.abort();			Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while retrieving bitmap from " + url, e);		} finally {			client.getConnectionManager().shutdown();		}		return null;	}	/*	 * An InputStream that skips the exact number of bytes provided, unless it	 * reaches EOF.	 */	static class FlushedInputStream extends FilterInputStream {		public FlushedInputStream(InputStream inputStream) {			super(inputStream);		}		@Override		public long skip(long n) throws IOException {			long totalBytesSkipped = 0L;			while (totalBytesSkipped < n) {				long bytesSkipped = in.skip(n - totalBytesSkipped);				if (bytesSkipped == 0L) {					int b = read();					if (b < 0) {						break; // we reached EOF					} else {						bytesSkipped = 1; // we read one byte					}				}				totalBytesSkipped += bytesSkipped;			}			return totalBytesSkipped;		}	}}


package com.darkmoon.imagecache;import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;import java.util.LinkedHashMap;import android.app.ActivityManager;import android.content.Context;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.util.LruCache;public class ImageMemoryCache {	/**	 * 从内存读取数据速度是最快的,为了更大限度使用内存,这里使用了两层缓存。 硬引用缓存不会轻易被回收,用来保存常用数据,不常用的转入软引用缓存。	 */	private static final int SOFT_CACHE_SIZE = 15; // 软引用缓存容量	private static LruCache<String, Bitmap> mLruCache; // 硬引用缓存	private static LinkedHashMap<String, SoftReference<Bitmap>> mSoftCache; // 软引用缓存	public ImageMemoryCache(Context context) {		int memClass = ((ActivityManager) context				.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE)).getMemoryClass();		int cacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * memClass / 4; // 硬引用缓存容量,为系统可用内存的1/4		mLruCache = new LruCache<String, Bitmap>(cacheSize) {			@Override			protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap value) {				if (value != null)					return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight();				else					return 0;			}			@Override			protected void entryRemoved(boolean evicted, String key,					Bitmap oldValue, Bitmap newValue) {				if (oldValue != null)					// 硬引用缓存容量满的时候,会根据LRU算法把最近没有被使用的图片转入此软引用缓存					mSoftCache.put(key, new SoftReference<Bitmap>(oldValue));			}		};		mSoftCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, SoftReference<Bitmap>>(				SOFT_CACHE_SIZE, 0.75f, true) {			private static final long serialVersionUID = 6040103833179403725L;			@Override			protected boolean removeEldestEntry(					Entry<String, SoftReference<Bitmap>> eldest) {				if (size() > SOFT_CACHE_SIZE) {					return true;				}				return false;			}		};	}	/**	 * 从缓存中获取图片	 */	public Bitmap getBitmapFromCache(String url) {		Bitmap bitmap;		// 先从硬引用缓存中获取		synchronized (mLruCache) {			bitmap = mLruCache.get(url);			if (bitmap != null) {				// 如果找到的话,把元素移到LinkedHashMap的最前面,从而保证在LRU算法中是最后被删除				mLruCache.remove(url);				mLruCache.put(url, bitmap);				return bitmap;			}		}		// 如果硬引用缓存中找不到,到软引用缓存中找		synchronized (mSoftCache) {			SoftReference<Bitmap> bitmapReference = mSoftCache.get(url);			if (bitmapReference != null) {				bitmap = bitmapReference.get();				if (bitmap != null) {					// 将图片移回硬缓存					mLruCache.put(url, bitmap);					mSoftCache.remove(url);					return bitmap;				} else {					mSoftCache.remove(url);				}			}		}		return null;	}	/**	 * 添加图片到缓存	 */	public void addBitmapToCache(String url, Bitmap bitmap) {		if (bitmap != null) {			synchronized (mLruCache) {				mLruCache.put(url, bitmap);			}		}	}	public void clearCache() {		mSoftCache.clear();	}}


