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热度:50   发布时间:2016-04-28 00:02:19.0


本实训项目是本科教学中,Android课程实训的项目,旨在训练Android App访问服务器,获取服务器数据,解析,并呈现的流程。主要包含的功能有:













Android端采用adt-bundle Eclipse 4.2 


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'verygood', '1', '1', '2015-07-01 16:41:14');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('2', 'dfdjsfsdlfjslfsd', '1', '1', '2015-07-01 16:41:43');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('5', 'test', '3', '1', '2015-07-01 16:42:05');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('13', 'test', '4', '1', '2015-07-01 16:46:26');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('14', 'test', '4', '1', '2015-07-01 16:46:46');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('15', 'test', '5', '1', '2015-07-09 10:20:37');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('16', 'test', '4', '1', '2015-07-01 16:46:46');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('17', 'test', '4', '1', '2015-07-01 16:46:46');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('18', 'test', '7', '1', '2015-07-09 10:20:44');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('19', 'test', '4', '1', '2015-07-01 16:46:47');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('20', 'test', '4', '1', '2015-07-01 16:46:47');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookcomment` VALUES ('21', 'googodoodogogoododgodo', '1', '1', '2015-07-10 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('6', '家', '5', '0', '巴金', '巴金最具代表性著作之一……', '/books/01.txt', '/faces/02.jpg', '2015-06-25', '1');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookinfo` VALUES ('7', '泰戈尔诗集', '6', '0', '佚名', '世界诗歌中的一颗明珠……', '/books/01.txt', '/faces/02.jpg', '2015-06-25', '1');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookinfo` VALUES ('8', '冷兵器时代', '1', '0', '佚名', '在长达2000年的冷兵器战争史中……', '/books/01.txt', '/faces/03.jpg', '2015-06-25', '1');INSERT INTO `tb_ebookinfo` VALUES ('9', '乔布斯传记', '7', '0', '佚名', '缔造苹果伟业,不世出之奇人……', '/books/01.txt', '/faces/04.jpg', '2015-06-25', '1');-- ------------------------------ Table structure for `tb_ebooktype`-- ----------------------------DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tb_ebooktype`;CREATE TABLE `tb_ebooktype` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `typeName` varchar(20) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;-- ------------------------------ Records of tb_ebooktype-- ----------------------------INSERT INTO `tb_ebooktype` VALUES ('1', '军事');INSERT INTO `tb_ebooktype` VALUES ('2', '历史');INSERT INTO `tb_ebooktype` VALUES ('3', '科幻');INSERT INTO `tb_ebooktype` VALUES ('4', '魔幻');INSERT INTO `tb_ebooktype` VALUES ('5', '文学');INSERT INTO `tb_ebooktype` VALUES ('6', '诗歌');INSERT INTO `tb_ebooktype` VALUES ('7', '人物传记');-- ------------------------------ Table structure for `tb_userinfo`-- ----------------------------DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tb_userinfo`;CREATE TABLE `tb_userinfo` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `userName` varchar(20) NOT NULL,  `userPhone` varchar(11) NOT NULL,  `userMail` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,  `userSex` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,  `userAddress` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,  `userMajor` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,  `accountId` int(11) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),  KEY `accountId` (`accountId`),  CONSTRAINT `tb_userinfo_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`accountId`) REFERENCES `tb_accountinfo` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;-- ------------------------------ Records of tb_userinfo-- 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