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推荐一些比较优秀的学习文章, 供大家学习和参考.
1. The Perils of Loading Native Libraries on Android
导入Native Libraries会产生风险, 导致Bug.
2. Performance ListViews
ListViews的写法, 简单的ViewHolder的使用方法, ListView一定要这么写哦!
3. AppBar
AppBar – Part 1
AppBar – Part 2
这个文章已经看完了, 又学习了一些AppBar的知识.
4. Debugging RxJava on Android
如何Debug, RxJava了解一下.
5. On Activities using Theme.NoDisplay
主题设计的小文章. Theme.NoDisplay会导致ANR, 使用透明主题, 可以选择Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.
If you really need to have a transparent activity that doesn’t immediately finish, you can use Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar to have a window that is completely transparent.?
如果你确实需要一个透明的Activity并且不会立即结束, 你可以使用主题
, 获得一个窗口, 并且完全透明.
6. Fixed aspect ratio with the Percent Support Library 23.1
横纵比的小文章. 可以通过屏幕的长宽比aspect ratio
, 使用宽度计算高度.
7. What is all this Clean Architecture jibber-jabber about?
What is all this Clean Architecture jibber-jabber about? - Part 1
What is all this Clean Architecture jibber-jabber about? - Part 2
面向对象架构的一些理论和碎语, 挺有意思的, 有时间翻译一下!
8. The build.gradle ubiquity
9. Dynamic Android dependency versions done right
依赖版本, 推荐了一个控制依赖版本的插件, 和一些小知识.
10. Tip: Use cold start time to make your app look much faster
优化小建议, 执行时添加一个冷启动的Tabbar, 使启动更加柔和.