1. Remote Scripting is not just AJAX . There are 3 ways.
a.XHR(AJAX) -> Same-Origin Limited
b.iframe -> Same-Orignin Limited; It can post a file.
c.Loading a script element -> Not limited to Same-Origin Policy
2. XHR with dojo
a. Example
dojo.xhrGet({ url: "demo/id2", handleAs: "json", handle: handler4 });
b. Some notes
i.handleAs: text/json/xml
iii.It can also cooperate with forms
3.Loading a script element
a.dojo supports this with JSONP
b.API: dojo.io.get()... The syntax is almost the same with XHR
a.How does it work?
i.A hidden iframe is used
ii.The handler is triggerd for "onload" event of this iframe
iii.it always returns HTML content
b.How does dojo help with this?
I don't care for now