<!Doctype html> <html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <title>对象描述</title> <!-- 如果本文件的包与src不是在同一个目录,就要将basepath设置到src目录下 --> <script type="text/javascript"> mxBasePath = '../src'; </script> <!-- 引入支持库文件 --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/js/mxClient.js"></script> <!-- 示例代码 --> <script type="text/javascript"> // 程序在此方法中启动 function main(container) { // 检测浏览器兼容性 if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported()) { mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false); } else { // 请注意,这些XML节点将被封装在输出中的元素模型中 var doc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument(); var person1 = doc.createElement('Person'); person1.setAttribute('firstName', 'Daffy'); person1.setAttribute('lastName', 'Duck'); var person2 = doc.createElement('Person'); person2.setAttribute('firstName', 'Bugs'); person2.setAttribute('lastName', 'Bunny'); var relation = doc.createElement('Knows'); relation.setAttribute('since', '1985'); // 在容器中创建图形 var graph = new mxGraph(container); // 禁用调整大小 graph.setCellsResizable(false); // 配置图形中调整、添加 graph.setResizeContainer(true); graph.minimumContainerSize = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 500, 380); graph.setBorder(60); // 按下Tab 和 回车键 停止编辑 new mxKeyHandler(graph); // 禁止边框编辑 graph.isCellEditable = function(cell) { return !this.getModel().isEdge(cell); }; // 提供一个在显示屏上的单元格标签 graph.convertValueToString = function(cell) { if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value)) { if (cell.value.nodeName.toLowerCase() == ('person')) { var firstName = cell.getAttribute('firstName', ''); var lastName = cell.getAttribute('lastName', ''); if (lastName != null && lastName.length > 0) { return lastName + ', ' + firstName; } return firstName; } else if (cell.value.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'knows') { return cell.value.nodeName + ' (Since ' + cell.getAttribute('since', '') + ')'; } } return ''; }; // 存储在模型中的单元格标签 var cellLabelChanged = graph.cellLabelChanged; graph.cellLabelChanged = function(cell, newValue, autoSize) { if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value) && cell.value.nodeName.toLowerCase() == ('person')) { var pos = newValue.indexOf(' '); var firstName = (pos > 0) ? newValue.substring(0, pos) : newValue; var lastName = (pos > 0) ? newValue.substring( pos + 1, newValue.length) : ''; // Clones the value for correct undo/redo var elt = cell.value.cloneNode(true); elt.setAttribute('firstName', firstName); elt.setAttribute('lastName', lastName); newValue = elt; autoSize = true; } cellLabelChanged.apply(this, arguments); }; // 显示编辑值 var getEditingValue = graph.getEditingValue; graph.getEditingValue = function(cell) { if (mxUtils.isNode(cell.value) && cell.value.nodeName.toLowerCase() == ('person')) { var firstName = cell.getAttribute('firstName', ''); var lastName = cell.getAttribute('lastName', ''); return firstName + ' ' + lastName; } }; // 在边框上显示提示工具 graph.setTooltips(true); var getTooltipForCell = graph.getTooltipForCell; graph.getTooltipForCell = function(cell) { // 在边框上显示元素详情 if (graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) { var src = this.getLabel(this.getModel().getTerminal(cell, true)); var trg = this.getLabel(this.getModel().getTerminal(cell, false)); return src + ' ' + cell.value.nodeName + ' ' + trg; } return getTooltipForCell.apply(this, arguments); }; // 启用浏览器默认菜单 new mxRubberband(graph); // 添加了一个'显示XML=View XML'选项,以查看XML的图形 document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('显示XML=View XML', function() { var encoder = new mxCodec(); var node = encoder.encode(graph.getModel()); mxUtils.popup(mxUtils.getPrettyXml(node), true); })); // 根据元素标记改变元素内容 var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle(); style[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = 'gray'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true; style[mxConstants.STYLE_SHADOW] = true; style[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = '#DFDFDF'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR] = 'white'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = 'black'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE] = '12'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING] = 4; // 修改连接线默认样式 style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle(); style[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = '#0C0C0C'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR] = 'white'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxEdgeStyle.ElbowConnector; style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true; style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = 'black'; style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE] = '10'; // 创建默认窗体 var parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); // 开启更新事务 graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, person1, 40, 40, 80, 30); var v2 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, person2, 200, 150, 80, 30); var e1 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, relation, v1, v2); } finally { // 结束更新事务 graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } // 实现属性面板 graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, function(sender, evt) { selectionChanged(graph); }); selectionChanged(graph); } /** * 更新属性面板 */ function selectionChanged(graph) { var div = document.getElementById('properties'); // 在IE中使用焦点选中 graph.container.focus(); // 取出DIV中的内容 div.innerHTML = ''; // 获取被选择的 元素 var cell = graph.getSelectionCell(); if (cell == null) { mxUtils.writeln(div, 'Nothing selected.'); } else { // 写标题 var center = document.createElement('center'); mxUtils.writeln(center, cell.value.nodeName + ' (' + cell.id + ')'); div.appendChild(center); mxUtils.br(div); // 创建的用户对象的属性 var form = new mxForm(); var attrs = cell.value.attributes; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { createTextField(graph, form, cell, attrs[i]); } div.appendChild(form.getTable()); mxUtils.br(div); } } /** * 给定的属性创建文本字段。 */ function createTextField(graph, form, cell, attribute) { var input = form.addText(attribute.nodeName + ':', attribute.nodeValue); var applyHandler = function() { var newValue = input.value || ''; var oldValue = cell.getAttribute(attribute.nodeName, ''); if (newValue != oldValue) { graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { var edit = new mxCellAttributeChange( cell, attribute.nodeName, newValue); graph.getModel().execute(edit); graph.updateCellSize(cell); } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } } }; mxEvent.addListener(input, 'keypress', function (evt) { //需要考虑转变为文本区域 if (evt.keyCode == /*enter*/13 && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt)) { input.blur(); } }); if (mxClient.IS_IE) { mxEvent.addListener(input, 'focusout', applyHandler); } else { // Note: Known problem is the blurring of fields in // Firefox by changing the selection, in which case // no event is fired in FF and the change is lost. // As a workaround you should use a local variable // that stores the focused field and invoke blur // explicitely where we do the graph.focus above. // 在Firefox中会出现某些不兼容,需要进行处理 mxEvent.addListener(input, 'blur', applyHandler); } } }; </script> </head> <!-- 页面载入后启动程序. --> <body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'))"> <table style="position:relative;"> <tr> <td> <div id="graphContainer" style="border: solid 1px black;overflow:hidden;width:321px;height:241px;cursor:default;"> </div> </td> <td valign="top"> <div id="properties" style="border: solid 1px black; padding: 10px;"> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>